"One, I don't want to kiss you. Two I can't move so even if I did want to, not possible." I thought this time actually directing it at him.

"Well, you said this is 'just' a dream right. You can do whatever you want. If you really didn't want all this to happen, you could have just got up and left." He leaned down to my ear. "Am I wrong?" His seductive tone gave me shivers, probably because I'm creeped out, I'm sure that's what it is.

Wait maybe he does have a point, it's just a bad dream. I focused hard trying to make it all go away, but to no avail. He started to laugh, pulling away from my ear. "Sorry princess, but that won't work here. Kiss me and it'll all go away." He laughed and gave me a cocky smile.

You know what, at this point, I'm willing to try. "Good." He smiled and leaned down towards my lips and slowly made contact. I closed my eyes, still hesitant and didn't think it would work, but I did it. I could kiss him back. He sped up the pace, his sharp teeth biting into my bottom lip. His tongue harshly rubbing against mine.

He ran his hands through my hair, pulling on it lightly and grounded his hips down onto mine softly.

He pulled his lips away. "Good morning princess." When I opened my eyes he was gone. He was gone and I was awake. I could move again, thank god. Though everything looked as it did in the dream, my covers were off me the same way, pillows were in the same order, and I was still hard. To add to all of that, there was pre-cum staining the front of my boxers.

"Ugh why me!" One difference was that it was bright outside. "Nooo!" I cried to myself. "How can it be morning already?" I turned over and shoved my face in the pillow. I'd better see what time it is, my alarm usually goes off at 8:30, so maybe I ha- I didn't get to finish my thought before my alarm went off.

"Nooo!" I threw myself around my bed in anger and sadness. It was my dumb ass that decided to take morning classes, but I wouldn't have been with Zev if I hadn't. I smiled.

I eventually got up, changed my underwear, slipped on some jeans and a hoodie. I was about to get my breakfast when there was a knock at my door.

Shit, it's probably Zev. We live in the same apartment complex near the university, so we carpool or walk together most of the time.

Sure enough, I opened the door and there was Zev. "Good morning Jasper." He yawned, stretching on the door frame.

"Yeah good morning. Come in, just let me grab my breakfast." I met Zev in my first year of university. He's a civil engineering major and I'm a political science major. We've been friends for almost four years now going strong.

"Oooooooo are these cookies for something important, or...?" He was eyeing the cookies I baked a few nights ago.

"Yes Zev, you can have one." I sighed popping a piece of bread into the toaster. I love to bake, but I wasn't a sweets junkie like Zev here. "Sometimes I feel like you only keep me around so you can eat the sweets I make," I smirked at his face, most of the cookie already in his mouth and crumbs all over his face.

"Well, that-" He paused to swallow the contents in his mouth. "and you're good company in the morning. But mostly the cookie part." He laughed. Where would I be without Zev? My apartment would probably have a lot more cookies in it.

I grabbed my toast and Zev grabbed one more cookie for 'good luck' and we left my apartment. Zev was going on about a new game he got and how we should go to his place after our lectures to play it. I agreed but only for a short while.

"Aww why come on it's Friday you get to sleep in tomorrow." he gasped. " We could have a sleepover."

"Ha, are you 12?" I laughed at his choice to use the word 'sleepover'.

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