"What are you searching for?" Liam signed to me from his spot behind the couch. I saw someone standing slightly behind him but didn't recognise the person so I brushed it off.

"Nothing. Just looking for date night ideas." I smiled innocently but Liam didn't buy into it.

"It looked to me like you were researching speech therapy." I bit my lips and contemplated showing him. Will he judge me? I opened the laptop and showed him the website I was on.

"I didn't know you wanted to try speaking again?" Liam looked slightly concerned and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Plus, would you be able to cover the costs of therapy? I've heard that it's pretty intense." I nodded and placed the now shut laptop on the coffee table in front of me.

"It was just curiosity. I'm not sure if I even want to do it anyway." I tried to change the subject but Liam was determined. He looked like he was calculating something in his head before signing.

"What if me and Niall helped you?" I was shocked by his offer and couldn't think of an answer before he continued.

"That would be great! All we have to do is research about the steps that need to be taken, read up on other people's experiences. We could do it after we all get off work in the comfort of your living room! Plus, you already feel comfortable with us so you wouldn't have to stress about being judged or anxious about it!" I could feel my eyes burn slightly, the tears close to the surface. I hopped over the couch and spring into Liam's arms. I squeezed him tightly and could feel him groan in discomfort.

"You would really do that for me?" I signed shyly to which he happily nodded back. I couldn't contain my grin and I caught eyes with the other person in the room. Liam saw me glancing behind him so he quickly stepped out of the way to introduce me.

"Sorry for the delay in introductions but Harry this is Chelsea." He signed and spoke, I smiled and shook her hand politely.

"Nice to meet you Chelsea." I signed slowly but saw Liam translate for her so I knew she wasn't able to understand sign language. She looked a little bit nervous but returned the smile.

"I've heard a lot about you Harry. You must be a good friend of Liam's." I could read her lips easily because she was talking very slowly and I could see Liam grimacing.

"You did good with speaking slowly and facing him but just use a regular speaking voice." Liam signed and spoke to which her cheeks reddened slightly.

"Yeah, can't hear it either way so really you could be mouthing words and I wouldn't know it." I joked to try and lift her mood but it seemed to make her even more uncomfortable. Liam translated for me and laughed while saying it, finding my deaf humour funny since he's heard it for so many years.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to being around a disabled person." I stiffened slightly and held an awkward smile on my face. Liam had the same reaction as he was translating for me. Before I could say anything, Liam cut me off.

"Just because Harry is deaf, does not mean he is someone to be treated differently. He is being polite to you and trying to make you comfortable since you aren't able to communicate in his language." I put my hand on his shoulder and told him to stop but he shook his head.

"I think you should go home." Liam looked like he was less than impressed to have this woman in our house any longer. I could tell that she was shocked but she didn't put up a fight to stay any longer.

I watched as Liam lead her to the front door, exchanging a few words that I couldn't understand and shutting the door behind her. He walked back over to me sheepishly.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know she would be that uncomfortable and weird around you. I also didn't think she would call you disabled." I shrugged and waved him off casually.

"I've been called worse and you know I'm used to dealing with people that aren't comfortable around someone who is deaf." Liam nodded.

"Yeah but I just didn't want you to have to deal with that in your own home." I smiled and hugged him once again, thankful to have a friend that would stick up for me.

"Enough with the sad stuff, where is Niall and why haven't we ordered take away yet?" We both laughed and Liam started calling Niall.

The rest of the night was spent with my two best friends. They both agreed to help me with speech therapy which I was ecstatic about. I told them it was just for speaking small sentences and words to make life a little easier and they both were happy about my excitement.

I can't wait to be able to speak to my friends and family. Will I sound weird? What will I sound like?

I wonder if I will be able to say those three special words to Louis when the time is right...


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