Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"Our ranch and farm," Zachary quickly amended. Damn stubborn woman. "And I'm not trying to control you, Sam. Do you remember that there is a man out there that has spent quite a few years after you? Not to mention Thomas has made it clear he can't be trusted if I'm not around. I can't protect you if you're in town and I'm here."

Samantha tensed behind him. "Of course I remember. Do you remember that I said I would not hide and live in fear any longer? I did that long enough."

Letting out a grumble, Zachary rubbed at his jaw. "You are stubborn. You know that?"

She laid her head against his bare back and when she sighed, her breath against his skin caused Zachary to tremble. "I've been told that a time a two. I also think I'm worth putting up with, don't you?"

Zachary chuckled as he rode Blaze into the barn and slid off the saddle, helping Samantha down as well and taking the time to press a long slow kiss to her lips before releasing his hold on her. "Get dressed, Sam. If you're determined to work in town then I guess that's what you're gonna do. We'll pass the crew on the way into town and I'll tell Timothy he's in charge today. I reckon I'll find something to do in town while you're busy."

Samantha rolled her eyes as she went to her saddlebags and pulled clean clothes from them. "No, Zachary. I can ride Athena into town, work for the day and come back to the ranch when I'm done."

Zachary shook his head as Samantha went into an empty stall to change. He sat down in a rickety chair by the barn door, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't think you will ride to town and back alone. You don't even have a gun."

He grumbled under his breath when his rolled up blue shirt was suddenly tossed over the stall door and collided with his face. "I'll be fine," she insisted. Damn stubborn woman. "And I used to have a gun, but it was stolen from me shortly before I arrived in Hackney and I haven't had the money to replace it."

Zachary's first instinct was to put his foot down and demand she do things his way—all he wanted in the world was to keep her safe. But Samantha was not a woman who could be controlled, even if it were for her own good.

"You won't be riding into town or back out here alone. Don't bother arguing. You are my world, Sam, and I won't let you be harmed simply to save your pride."

"Oh," came her muffled response and Zachary could practically hear her blushing. He wasn't sure why she seemed so surprised when he spoke of how much she meant to him. Shouldn't the woman already know?

"I'll take you into town and as long as you promise to stay with Gavin, or one of the women from the saloon all day, and not wander around alone, I'll come back out to the ranch to work. I'll head back to town and pick you up from work later this evening and we can get dinner at the diner and call the hotel home tonight so you don't have to travel all the way back into town for work tomorrow. Will you agree to that at least?"

Silence came from that stall for several long moments. Finally, Samantha stepped out, tucking her clean blue blouse into her tan skirt and smiling. "I think I can agree to those terms."

Zachary watched those wild curls shimmer as she tossed them over her shoulder. "And before I leave town this morning, we'll be going to the gunsmith and getting you a new gun and gun belt."

He had expected her to voice some argument since she seemed to be in that kind of mood this morning. Instead, her gaze softened. "Of course. I would love to have a gun again. It would make me feel safer." A slow smile curved her lips as she began walking toward him. The way her hips swayed held Zachary captivated. "I think you just want to see me wrapped in leather and bullets, Mr. Marston."

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