t-5 through 2 Days

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Hermione, over the next four days, took careful notes of all her classes. She figured in either situation of a win or lose it would be useful. If she won, she could use it as a guide to teach future victors. If she lost, perhaps the ones that came after her could see it and realize that even the 'Smartest Witch of their Age' Hermione Granger indeed went through the same pre-trials they did. It was also for herself, really. She was bright and had a good memory, but the way things were thrown at her was a bit overwhelming and unceremoniously switched. One moment she was learning about a detonating rock with Fred, the next someone was teaching her how to make food out of few items, and then after she was back with McGonagall stressing over her wand less magic and animangus transformation. Wow.

The night after all her five days of intense training were finally done, Hermione carefully combed through the notes she had taken.


Breakfast: Seamus cooked again. It's all fancy but I think he'll have a difficult time in the wild without all these supplies, or perhaps I'm wrong. It was awkward for the both of us, per usual. He tried to say something about me saving his arse in the knife throwing yesterday, but I wouldn't have it. I worry about his hand; it's still really bad looking.

Warm Ups: Same as yesterday. Caligula won today. Mandy came in second, Draco in third. Mandy is a stronger girl than I thought. I came in 18th. My legs were already aching after yesterday, but Hooch clearly did not care.

McGonagall: I moved the paper! She said that she didn't expect that until the middle of class today, and therefore I was quite pleased with myself. She let me take a break and try Animangus work. It's not as taxing, but more frustrating because it happens all at once instead of little by little. I concentrated to find my animal for hours, and I think it might be not what my Patronus is, as weird as that is. McGonagall explained to me that Patronusus can change with age or emotions, but our animangus is always the same. It is the most truthful part of ourselves.

I jokingly thought it may be an owl, since of my smartness, but McGonagall shook her head. She didn't think that was it.

"I think it's a large cat; not like a house cat. I can see it on the edge of my vision...but I can't see it clearly." I had grasped for an answer. McGonagall told me that was far enough today, and we continued back into the wandless magic studies.

Lunch: Went back up to my room with Hannah. We made sandwiches. They were quite good sandwiches in my opinion. Seamus made not an entry.

Group: In depth Archery work today. Wonderful. I was a bit better at it today than yesterday. The ones who got done early though, had to come back and help us. Luck would have it, it was Draco who mocked me about not retaining anything from yesterday. What a wanker. After that he was helpful, and sly- he made me wait to achieve the task until we had less than half an hour left. At first I was angry, but then I realized I would have had to gone back and helped someone else instead of being let go. I wont' thank him though.

Viktor Krum: I remember him from school, back when it was integrated. He was just as handsome. Rumor had it he was going to ask me to the end of the year ball, until he got chosen. I wondered this as we walked in, and he caught my eye and smiled. Perhaps it HAD been true. It was all the Gryiffndors, not one on one, so if there was anything to be said between us, it wouldn't have happened.

Before us, he came from Durmstrang, a notoriously tough school. It bred winners, champions, and celebrities until Voldemort took over. It also had a somewhat sinister reputation. He gave a sad smile. He was teaching us about dark magic, magic that in the early creation of Durmstrang was common classes. It was no shocker that he had won the games with a bit of it, I hated it but he was still alive, so perhaps it was time to be done with morals this and that.

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