Ernie was strong, but a horrible aimer. All his arrows embedded themselves in the walls all around the target, anywhere but. "You should have at least hit one of those!" Collin cried in frustration. Ernie gave a shrug, before stopping everyone and jogging out to pry his arrows back. Elizabeth was at least shooting, but they all hit the rim of her target, and Hermione could see her shaking fingers as she raised the arrow to her face, squinting one eye in the hopes of making it farther up the circle.

And then...there was Draco, the smug little bastard, standing next to his shooting line causally. Hermione was at first going to ask if he didn't know how, but then noticed that he was already done. Bullocks. Draco noticed her watching.

"How do you know how to shoot a bow?" She asked, the words slipping out.

"My mom." He shrugged, "Thought it was manly and worth a little heirs time." There was an acidic tone to his voice, and Hermione could at least understand his anger. Never in a million years had he imagined that the Dark Lord's golden boy would be dragged into this mess, he thought he'd graduate and learn the finer things of being a millionaire. Life was a bitch, wasn't it?

"Of course." Hermione was not letting any filters stop what she had to say, they might be dead anyway soon. She ignored him, and lifted her bow, this time making it a wee bit closer to the target. Draco sighed.

"No, no. You'll never hit the target like that!" He insisted. Hermione groaned, spinning on him.

"How do you know?" She asked, and Draco silently glanced at his own completed activity in response. Okay, so maybe he knew a few things, but that meant he had no right to judge.

What really surprised Hermione, thought, was he set down his own bow and remaining arrows and came to where she stood. He made a pose, "You're slouching, and all. You need a firm, steady posture. Use your mouth as an anchor."

"My mouth as a what?" She repeated, not getting what he was saying. Draco motioned for her to get into the stance, and fixed her arms. Then, he picked up his own bow and pulled the arrow back by his jaw line.

"See, an anchor. Steady it there, and you'll aim much better."

"But I feel like it's pulled back too much." She argued.

"Just try it, Granger." He snapped and Hermione swung it up.

"Fine!" She said, and did what he said, and let the arrow go. It would fail, and then she could tell him to-there was a soft thud, and she turned. The arrow was almost at the bulls eye, just an inch away. Draco gave a slightly arrogant smirk, then waved Hooch over. Hermione was positively sour finishing her archery, which she thankfully did after half an hour. Hannah was catching up, and the men had already moved on. Elizabeth was close to being done too.

"Maybe I'm just not cut out for archery. Maybe I'll be better at daggers or something." She sighed, looking at her three arrows on the target. Hermione was waiting for Hooch to dismiss her.

"You'll get it eventually. Look- half way done!"

"Blaise already lapped me." She said grudgingly.

"Yeah, he lapped me too. What else is new?" Hermione shrugged, unworried. Hooch came over, and Hermione left her friend regretfully, as she moved onto the swords. The first one she picked up was too heavy, and she buckled forward, groaning. No, this was not how it was supposed to work. Surly not.

"Perhaps, a lighter one." She muttered to herself, and examined them all carefully. The next one she picked up was not too strenuous, although she was slightly afraid on any back swing she'd hit herself, but nothing could fix that.

The Green Games (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now