Chapter 3

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After two hours of cleaning up drink spills, I was done with working. The smell, the dimness, and the horrible men of the Reeperbahn made me ill. And it didn't help that I was worried about Astrid. Stu hadn't made a reappearance and that made me worried that she was really sick.

I was in the middle of putting away some clean shot glasses, when who should walk up and strike up a conversation, but the boy with the glistening brown eyes.

"Ye don' look old enough to be a waitress in a dig li' this."

"And ye don' look old enough to be in this part o' the city."

I immediately struck back. I hated it when people mentioned anything about my age. And it didn't help that I was illegally working. A smirk drew its way across those ravishing lips of his.

"Scouse? Where in the bloody 'ell ye been all my life?"

I returned his sly grin.

"I'm from Liverpool, jus' like ye."

A flicker of panic lit in his dark eyes, but it evaporated as quickly as it appeared.

"'An' 'ow do ye reckon we hail from the same city?"

"Li' ye said; Scouse. Also, had a chat with the tall one," I pointed to Paul, who was dancing very closely to my cousin Lyra. "Was tryna get in me knickers. An' I met Stu on the train up here. Surely he's mentioned me?"

He nodded. "He said ye introduced him to Astrid. Never seen a fella more in love, or as fast."

I agreed, wiping down the dirty counter with a wet rag.

"What do ye think of Astrid? Think she's right for yer Stu?"

He nodded again, taking a large gulp of the cigarette. He looked uncomfortable as he took it all in, even coughing a little as the gray air flew out of his mouth.

"Ye new to tha'?"

He looked a bit alarmed and took another puff, again letting out a choked cough. "What d'ye mean?"

"Ye look like you've never smoked before."

He looked around nervously before muttering, "I've just started. Me mates all smoke and are fine with it but I hate it."

I felt a small amount of relief. Smoking had caused the death of my grandfather when I was 12, and I'd never liked the scent nor the sight since then.

"Ye should stop if ye hate it."

"Can't. John would tease me relentless. And besides," this time he inhaled the smoke slowly and didn't react. "It's getting easier."

I suddenly remembered that I had a job and costumers waiting at other tables. I didn't have time for a boy who was so close to living without a habit like that and didn't look near to giving it up. I didn't want to judge him for it, but I knew that once you got addicted, it was extremely hard to quit.

"'Scuse me, love. Gotta get back to work."

I didn't say anything else as I turned, walking out the swinging door and past him. I was surprised when he caught my arm. He looked me over with those observant eyes. Something told me that those eyes didn't miss anything.

"What di' I say? I di'nt mean to offend ye."

I shook my head, offering him one of my award winning smiles.

"Ye di'nt do nothin', love. I've other costumers to get to, thas all."

He frowned. He looked like a grumpy cat who's treat had been taken out of reach. He scratched the back of his head.

"I spose I was hoping to get to know ye a bit better."

The hairs on my arms rose and I took my arm from his grip. He saw the fear in my eyes and he hastily said, "No no, not li' that. I meant just talkin'. But I understand. Ye can' go messin' 'round with unknown boys. I'll be seein ye around."

He said it very fast and by the time I processed it, he was walking away, crestfallen. A sudden feeling of sadness washed over me, and I called out to him over the loud music.


He turned slowly.


I smiled, deciding to take a chance. Besides: any friend of Stu had to be trustworthy, right?

"What was yer name?"

His lips cracked to reveal sharp canines, which I instantly found adorable.

"George. George Harrison. You?"

"Dash. Dash Jones-Kircherr ."
"Bond. John Bond."
"Oh, shut up, John."

Another of George's band mates wrapped his arm around his shoulders, slurring his joke. George rolled his eyes.

"Ye sloshed yet, John?"

John gave George a pathetic smile.

"Yes, I'm sloshed. I'm also incredibly depressed, but we don't talk about that."

George let out a sigh and muttered something. I walked over to them, John looking me up and down.

"This yer bird, Geo?"

I glared at him.

"I'm right here, ye blind twit."

John pointed upwards and fell harder into George.

"Thas true. I'm blind as a bloody bat."

He promptly vomited onto the already filthy ground. I yelled at the top of my lungs to Leonard the janitor, who spoke English and was always waiting behind the bar.


I heard a groan from Len, who came over with a mop and bucket.

George, who was using John's sleeve to wipe his mouth, gave me a look of disappointment.

"I need to get this baboon to bed before he makes another mess."

I hurriedly glanced at the clock on the wall. As though a spirit possessed me, I said, "I'm off just now, I can help ye walk him home."

What the hell is wrong with you?!
George gave me a grateful smile.

"If ye would find Paul or Pete and let em know, I'll get him to the door."

I nodded, having no clue who Pete was. I would've tried to find Stu, but I knew he was walking Astrid home after she'd thrown up her dinner. I walked to the bar, tossing my apron and tray behind the counter. I looked around for Paul, but didn't see him. Most likely in the loo with a bird, I thought. Or, I gagged, Lyra. I decided to risk it, walking to the loo door, which was closed. I heard some sort of noise behind it and I had a decent idea of what it was.
I knocked, calling. "Paul, if thas you in there, George is taking John back to wherever you're staying!"

I heard a sort of grunt of acknowledgement. Satisfied, I headed to the door. John was on the ground next to a disheveled George.

"He tried to fight me and passed out."

I gave the unconscious John an exasperated look.

"Brilliant. Shall we?"

I grabbed one of John's arms and slung it over my shoulder. George did the same with his other arm, and we dragged him out into the cool night air.

A/N: drunk John is one of the best things out there, I'll say that much. What did you think about our two lovers finally getting introduced?
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