Just maybe...

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Cara was walking to lunch when she heard a whispered argument. She could tell the voices were Din and Omera. 

"Why are you breaking up with me?"

"We weren't dating in the first place, Omera!"

"Don't distract me! This has something to do with that girl you're always with, doesn't it?!"

"This had nothing to do with Cara!"

"Really? Because I swear, Din, if it does, I'll-"

"Lay one finger on her and you're dead. Conversation over. I'm going to lunch now, because I should have been there ten minutes ago."

Cara barely had time to dash away before Din stormed out. When she got to the lunch table, she was out of breath but felt happier than she had in a long time.

Din's POV

I know I probably shouldn't have threatened Omera. I'm not sure why I did-but it had something to do with Cara.

Probably nothing. Right? Cara's my friend. I was angry because she's my friend. Right. Yes. Friend. Nothing more.

I glanced over at her. The thought hurt-nothing more. Just friends. She wouldn't want to be anything more. Of course not! I was crazy just to think it. 

Still, I can't help feeling like maybe there's more to it. Just maybe...

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