Chapter 1: Prisoner of Zarkon

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"Prisoner 116-8727 is the winner!" The announcer shouted through the speakers. The crowd cheered as the winner raised her head up to the sky. She was quickly ushered out of the arena, blood dripping from her mouth.

"Good job 116-8727! I dont believe there is anyone here who can beat you!", one of the other prisoners said as they were waiting in line for their round to start.

"There are better ways to win the approval from others than from drawing blood from one another," she said as the Sentry clenched onto her arm. "And please, call me Phoebe. It's bad enough that they stole my freedom, I would at least like to keep my name."

"If I am to call you Phoebe, then you shall call me Xi", he replied with a grin.

"Enough talking. Take prisoner 116-8727 to her cell" one of the Galra guards said to the Sentry who still had a hold on her arm.

"Hopefully I'll see you soon, ok Xi?", Phoebe said as she was pulled away.

"If fate is in our favor."

Fate? What good had fate ever brought her? Fate allowed her to go to the Kerberos mission. Fate allowed her to be captured. Fate allowed her to be beaten and torture in this hell. How could she ever hope for fate to be in her favor?

. . .

"I don't know how much longer I can do this.", Phoebe thought to herself.

It had been a year since the mission to Kerberos. Their original mission was to explore the icy terrain of the moon, but had ended in disaster. During their mission, a Galra ship attacked and captured the pilot, Takashi Shirogane, Junior Science Officer Matthew Holt, Senior Science Officer and Mission Commander Samuel Holt, and Junior Intelligence Officer Phoebe Mori. It was her first mission outside of Earth, and all four of them had traveled further than anyone else before that mission.

"I hope Shiro and Matt are ok."

Phoebe knew that Shiro and Matt were sent to the arena, like her, to be gladiators. However. She doesn't know where they placed Sam. For a while they had all been separated, but on a few occasions the three of them would cross paths in the arena. . . .

"Open cell block of 116-8727"

The cell door opened and a Galra guard entered, holding a pair of restraints.

"Its time to go prisoner 116-8727." The guard and a couple Sentries entered the cell and grabbed her arms, forcing the restraints on her.

"Where are we going?", she asked out of curiosity.

"You're needed by the druids."

"No . . . NO! I will not go through this again!" She screamed as she tried to pry the restraints off of her. "LET GO OF ME!" She fought and kicked as hard as she could, and managed to take down one Sentry that was present. But despite her fight, she was knocked unconscious by the other guard.

"Load her onto Sendak's ship, now!"

. . .

"Just remember, patience yields focus. So. . . Run!" The black paladin said as a flood of sentries came in after him and the other two paladins. Keith went in the opposite direction and was now running through the corridor.

"Where could that lion be?", he asked as he found himself lost in the immensely large ship.

He continued to run through the corridor, but stopped infront of a wall with the symbol of the Galra empire, one he had already passed.

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