His Butler & Maid, Listening Quietly

Start from the beginning

The next night it was pouring rain. Aurora was in her cat form, sitting beside Sebastian on a rooftop who was the same. Can we not find somewhere a little warmer to watch? Aurora complained to her mate through their bond, I'm freezing. Sebastian stood and moved closer to her, allowing his pelt to brush against hers, allowing her the warmth from his own body. I'm afraid not, my angel. I scouted the area before we came out here. This is the best position. Aurora huffed. I'd rather be warm than drenched. And I'm already sick. Sebastian's eyes twinkled with amusement. I assure you once we return to the manor I will tend to your malaise if it bother you so. Aurora sighed and leaned against him, burying her face under his chin. Very well. Sebastian purred and rested his chin atop her head and nuzzled her a bit, besides- we can always have some of our own fun while we wait. Aurora rolled her eyes, you demons and your mating seasons. Sebastian chuckled down the bond in response. 

Then they stopped, watching as Blavat Sky ran across the street from Sphere Music Hall to the Funtom Music Hall. Sebastian flicked his tail and meowed for Aurora to follow him. The two made their way back to the window of the office of what was Ciel's office. "Well?" They boy asked as the demon and angel pair returned to the room and shifted back to their normal human forms. "Blavat Sky is here." Aurora said wringing out her hair from the rain. Ciel nodded, "Sebastian, Aurora, I want you two to go change. Act as a couple attending the Music Hall. Keep an eye on Blavat. Report back to me what you uncover." Aurora brightened instantly. "We get to enjoy ourselves at the party?!" Sebastian smiled and bowed, "Yes, my young lord." He took Aurora by the hand and began pulling her along behind him to a guest room, his mate skipping along behind him, giddy with excitement. "Oh this is going to be so much fun!" Aurora was rambling on about the party as Sebastian threw on a new suit and then helped her with her dress.

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Sebastian's crimson gaze raked over his mate's figure

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Sebastian's crimson gaze raked over his mate's figure. "I must say, I am very pleased with this dress. It reminds me of the view from our bedroom in Hell." Aurora smiled brightly, "You always love my dresses, Sebastian." Her mate sighed, "True. Now, darling-" he held out his hand, "Would you care to dance?"

They were on the dance floor within minutes. They kept an eye on Blavat, noting that the man seemed to only be scouting the competition. The curtain rose and the show started. Sebastian pulled Aurora off to the side, holding her so they were able to keep an eye on Blavat and the Phantom Five. Aurora watched as Edward played his character perfectly and she chuckled leaning into Sebastian's embrace, "He reminds me of a younger version of you." Sebastian chuckled, "Only blonde and utterly horrified of what he's doing." They shared a laugh. A waiter came by carrying champagne and Sebastian swiped two glasses and handed one to Aurora. "I think we should start thinking," Sebastian said taking a sip of his glass. Aurora frowned, "Thinking? Of what?" Sebastian hummed, "What to do about Raphael, and then maybe names." Aurora's eyes widened a bit and she took a long sip. "Raphael should be harmless. We need only send someone to imprison him and things should be fine." Sebastian nodded, "I can send for Ilia and Stolas. They should be able to capture him." Aurora nodded, "I'll see about having Lucian and Amara join them. The four of them should be able to manage Raphael. Without all his fancy poisons and such he's nothing." Sebastian chuckled, "I believe I'll have him placed in the deepest depths of the Lilum. When the contract with Ciel expires, we'll take a trip down and destroy him. Permanently."

 Aurora shuddered and then nodded. "It would be for the best." They stood, watching the show before Aurora caught a glimpse of white out of the corner of her eye. "Malphas. Look." Sebastian followed her gaze to see a shadowed figure with wings hiding in the back of the room. Sebastian growled and downed the rest of his champagne with a hiss. "Take this. I'll go after him." He thrust his champagne flute into his mate's hands before marching off through the crowd. "Mal-" Aurora sighed as he was already gone. She had no doubts she would be seeing Raphael shortly. "Angie." Right on cue. Aurora turned to face Raphael and sighed. "Raphy, we've been over this." She removed a glove and held up her hand. "I'm married and mated. You are nothing more than a stalker and a psychopath. I'm going to tell you this one time. Leave now and never speak to me again. I want nothing more to do with you." Raphael sighed, "Angelica- please! I can help you! Come with me!" Aurora took a step back. "I should think not. I'm not going anywhere with you. Now leave before Malphas gets back. He'll notice your little charade any moment now." Raphael frowned, "Angelica- he's got you under a spell! Let me-" Aurora snarled, "No! I'm not going anywhere with you, Raphael! Now leave- leave before I cut you down with my father's rapier! If I don't my mate will certainly end your life in the most horrific way possible." Raphael frowned, "Angelica-" there was a blur of black and suddenly Sebastian was there, holding Raphael by the throat with his eyes glowing crimson. "How dare  you show your face here!" He snarled. Raphael made no movements but looked to Aurora. "Angie, come on. Your not going to let this wretched demon-" Aurora spoke sternly then, "Malphas. Kill him if you must." Her mate snarled, "With pleasure, my angel." Aurora turns her head as Sebastian made to take the angel's soul only to have Ciel call them. Raphael grinned. "Your master's calling you, demon. Best get going." Aurora frowned and took her mate by the arm gently. "Come on. Let's get out of here." Sebastian hissed and followed reluctantly. Raphael dropped to the floor, "I suggest you leave, Raphael." Aurora said coldly, "Leave and never return. Turn yourself in to the heavenly guard, and may they have mercy on you." Raphael bowed, "Of course, my lady."

Sebastian hissed as they made their way upstairs to rejoin with Ciel. 

"What was that about?! Are you alright? He didn't hurt you-" Aurora kissed him, cutting him off. "Malphas. I'm fine." She pulled him close and rested her head on his shoulder, his hand running through her hair comfortingly. "Are you quite sure?" He asked, looking down at her with concerned crimson red eyes. "You know that you can tell me absolutely anything, my angel." Aurora kissed him again. "I know. And I promise you, other than Raphael begging me to go with him and leave you- nothing happened." Sebastian held her tightly, "My angel, you wouldn't ever leave-" Aurora looked alarmed and pulled away, looking hurt. "Leave you? Leave you?! Why would I ever leave you, Malphas?! You know I love you!" She noticed the flicker of doubt in his eyes and threw herself forward into his arms, sending him staggering backwards a bit into the stairway railing. Her arms locked around his neck and she kissed him passionately. He held her tightly, his grip on her tightening a bit. When she finally pulled away, she rested her head against his and caressed his face with featherlight touches. "I love you." She whispered, "I will never leave you- not for anything. You are always my first choice. You will always be mine. I will always love you- I promise you that I won't ever leave you. Never in eternity will I ever leave you." Sebastian was holding her, his arms wound tightly around her waist and his forehead resting against hers. His crimson red eyes met her silvery blue. "My angel..." His voice was a soft murmur and he relaxed his body. Aurora smiled, "My demon."

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