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"He took you mini-golfing?" Anna asked the as the early afternoon sun beat down on them. One of the last remaining scorching hot days before winter came and chilled the state down to a more doable temperature.

Bella pedaled her bike along the boardwalk at the beach. She'd called Anna first thing, asking her to go on a bike ride so they could discuss her date with Chris and Vincent's attitude.

"Yeah, he took me mini-golfing. We had a fun time because we both sucked at it."

Anna gave her a look. "Bella, not to be mean or anything but when it comes to sports, you're not good at any of them."

Bella gave her friend a look. "I haven't fallen off the bike yet, so give me a little credit."

"You were told not to play in sports during gym so you wouldn't hurt yourself and others with your terrible aim."

She groaned. "Can't believe you let them put that in the yearbook. Who in their right mind puts 'Most Likely To Hurt Others During Gym' as a class vote for the yearbook?"

Her friend laughed. "The one in charge of the yearbook committee, that's who."

"I hate you."

"Do not."

"Do so."

They'd only been riding for about ten minutes at this point, and Anna had a night class at the community college tonight so she didn't have long until she had to get ready for that. Bella was gonna take every minute she could get with her friend before she went to the show tonight, she'd need any and all advice for how to go forward with Chris and how to deal with Vincent all at once.

"How mad was Vincent when you got back home?" Anna asked. "Based off what you said yesterday, I can't imagine he reacted well."

"Tried telling me I couldn't see Chris. And then he left early for rehearsal at the club. Told me not to show up and to stay home instead."

An annoyed grunt left Anna. "Does he not realize how possessive he sounds?" She shook her head. "You're an adult! You can do what you want. Hell, you don't live under his roof, it's both of your roofs. He only has the older brother thing going for him and that won't get him far."

It was true that he didn't have primary ownership of the house, and neither did she. It was in their parents will that the house went to both of them and would remain that way until one of them got married and started their own family, then it'd go to them unless they decided to let the other one have it. It was nice to stay in the family home, though Bella had no intention to stay forever, but she wasn't about to tell Vincent that.

"It won't, and depending on how things go with Chris, that'll really change things."

"Woah," Anna whistled, "one date and you're already thinking of the future? That's hella wicked."

Bella came to a stop just before the walking path to the beach where a few people were walking. "Do you think it's too soon?"

Anna came to a stop beside her and tilted her head in thought. After a moment, she shook her head, grinning at Bella. "Definitely not. I already told you that I had a good feeling about him."

A nice wind rippled by and Bella couldn't help but giggle as her pant legs began to whip around in the breeze. Days like this, with the nice weather, a good friend, and wonderful memories of the night before with a pretty special guy, they made Bella feel bold and empowered. She closed her eyes against the sun above.

"I don't want this feeling to fade, Anna."

Her friend was quick to respond. "Then don't let it. Don't let your brother get in the way of your happiness. If you want Chris, go for Chris. If Vincent loved you the way a big brother is supposed to, he'd let his own personal feelings go and let you be happy. Keep that in mind."

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