99. Real hugs

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Dare for Snowflake,

Dare for Snowflake,

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Ghost: Oh god..... Snowflake come here....

Snowflake: Yea?

Ghost: You have a dare....

Snowflake: Why do you sound scared?

Ghost: Ummmmmmm Jackie?

Me: What? Why must I say it?

Ghost: Say it.

Me: Fine. I dare you to let Burple Hug you because of the backstory they had to see.

Snowflake: N-No....

Me: you can't go back on a dare.

Ghost: Snowflake calm down.... and let Burple hug you I promise he's not gonna do anything bad to you.

Snowflake: O-Ok.... Where is he?

Me: Hey Burple you have someone here!

Burple: Is it fish? *comes out of the Roost* Snowflake!

Me: You can hug her now

Burple: REALLY!? *runs up to Snowflake and hugs her* *sobbing* IM SORRY ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU

Snowflake: *Flinches* I-I'm- It's okay.... I-I.... *flinched*

Burple: *lets go* Ok that helped me feel a bit better. What about you?

Snowflake: Y-You didn't hit me....

Burple: Of course not! That's not what hugging is about. I'm supposed to make you feel better, not hurt you! I know they used to do that in your past, but we're different! You're our friend, we won't hurt you.

Snowflake: I-I never really had an actual hug without being hit.... Sooo Uh....

Burple: Not even from your sister or Angel?

Snowflake: I always told them to not hug me. Or they would know already that hugs give me a bit of a panic.

Burple: Oh.... well how did you like your first real hug?

Snowflake: Real and Genuine. Loving, caring.... It felt safe....

Me: Aww. Well hopefully you get many more real hugs bc honestly going life without them is kinda painful. Anyway.... wait, if this was my dare, who am I gonna thank for the dare?

Ghost: Me!! For doing it!!

Me: Ah ok! Ghost, Thanks for the dare! And to the readers, until next time!

Ghost: Bye!!

Snowflake: Peace out!

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