58. Snowflake's backstory

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(Ghost_Fantom helped me out with this one)

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(Ghost_Fantom helped me out with this one)

Ghost: Shoot umm let me get her. *Snaps fingers as Snowflake appears*

Snowflake: What! Where did they go- oh hi....

Ghost: You got an ask.

Snowflake: Oh. *reads it* oh heck nah! YOU KNOW THAT I DON'T LIKE TALKING ABOUT THIS GHOST!

Ghost: It's an ask.

Snowflake: *Grumbles* Alright....

Ghost: Go for it.

Snowflake: To answer the question, why did I react the way I did when Cutter yelled at me for that prank.... well he reacted the same way, they did when my adopted parents did to my dead adopted brother.... They blamed me for his death, they didn't listen to me when I tried to explain what happened. Called me those names.... and did things that I can't talk about. I'm done explaining now. May I leave.

Ghost: Yea.

*Snowflake leaves*

Ghost: Alright that's it.... Bye!

Rescue Riders: Ask Or Dare 3 (Ultimate Mashup)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora