first day

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"Have a good day hazel good luck!" "Thanks dad" I walked out of my car to my new school, my first day of sophomore year. All the people around me was already making me sick, I hate crowds. This should be fun.
I walk into the building and into the office to get my locker and schedule, I just moved here to Wisconsin from Maine. I barely had time to get situated at home, let alone school. By the time I got my schedule, my books, opened my locker and found my way to the class it was already 2nd period,I missed English, but now I get to go to biology. This is my favorite subject, so I was pretty excited. Everyone else already seemed to know everyone so I went to the back and sat by myself, my feet up on the desk. I should really clean my shoes, they're black converse and I tend to doodle on them a lot. I caught a boy's eye, since he was staring at me and all. I raised my eyebrow and shook my head, boys never learn. Back in Maine a few of my guy friends had crushes on me, even though I was out. Maybe it's a want what you can't have thing I don't know, but I'm not interested.
The bell rang and the teacher finally stood up from her desk. She said her name was Ms.T. Damn was she hot. She had long dark hair and a curvy body, I licked my lips. God stop it hazel you can't have a crush already, you idiot. I payed attention for most of the class as she went over the syllabus and we started an activity with the cell. Most of this will be review for me since I was in advanced biology last year, but there's no way I'm switching out of this class and missing out on the teacher.
After that I had gym, which wasn't too bad considering we were just passing out uniforms, not excited for the actual running though. Now, lunch.

I don't have any friends, as usual I guess, so I grab my food and sit with my headphones in. I watch the people around me walking to their seats while I listen to young volcanoes, one of my favorite songs by fall out boy. The food is okay, today is mac n cheese and chicken tenders, which I don't mind. I hear something In front of me as the song is changing and look up to see three girls looking at me. They say something but I can't hear because bring me the horizon just started playing. I take out my headphones,"sorry what was that?" The middle girl looks annoyed and says "are you new here?" "Yeah" I say "why?" "Just haven't seen you here before, welcome" she gives me the bitchiest smile, and then when I think she's walking away she knocks my milk over onto me. "Emo dyke" I laughed at her comment, being called emo and dyke don't bother me anymore, I've got thick skin, But the milk on my favorite fall out boy shirt is kind of shitty. I finish my food and when I'm about to go head to the bathroom to clean myself up the bell rings. Now I have to go to to study hall covered in chocolate milk.
Bloody hell.

Once I finally found my way to my study hall room there was only one seat left, so I headed over to it. By then I was pretty much just ready to take a nap, so I put my head down. About a minute later the supervisor says we're going to play a "get to know you" game. I think everyone in the entire room groaned simultaneously. Why do teachers think those are a good idea they're just so awkward. "Find a partner and ask them questions as if it were an interview, by the end of class have one thing to share." Everyone must have known each other because they quickly found partners. I looked to my left and the boy there already had one, in front of me and behind me as well. I looked over at my right and saw a girl with no partner."Hey we should pair up," She looked up at me and nodded, so I turned in my chair to face her. "What's your name?" "Natalie, just call me Nat." "I'm Hazel." I sat there in silence, god I'm bad at this crap. I took the awkward silence as a chance to really take her in. She has long dark curly hair that was up in a bun, seemed to be pretty tall from what I could tell. She either already really hates me or has a bitchy resting face, and dark brown eyes. She's beautiful. She was wearing a my chemical romance t shirt, black skinny jeans and vans. My type of girl. "I love your shirt." She looked down at it, like she already forgot what she wore, god it was adorable. "I like yours too." I smiled at her, "yeah and it's chocolate milk scented, limited edition!" She laughed and asked if I wanted her to help me clean it up and I nodded, slightly embarrassed now. We explained the situation to the supervisor and she let us go to the bathroom.

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