"And it drained you?"

"A bit. I can draw more than Kate could. I drew until I couldn't handle the pain anymore. By that time, Isabel was finished."

Chris nodded. "I don't think we'll ever be even."

Derek chuckled.

"You saved my life at the sheriff's station and now this."

"You did spare mine when the nogitsune had me under his control."

"I was praying you'd gain control so I wouldn't have to kill you in self-defense."

Despite being under the nogitsune's control, Derek remembered everything about that day. He remembered picking the fight with Chris, covering him with lighter fluid, and telling him he was going to make Allison watch her family burn like his had. Shortly afterward, Chris broke free and shoved a gun under his chin while Derek had his claws against Chris' throat. I don't want to kill you, Derek. Please don't make me kill you.

"Derek?" Chris broke through Derek's thoughts.

Derek parked in front of Chris' apartment building. "I'm glad you didn't have to."

Chris climbed out of the Cruiser and turned. "Tell Isabel thank you for me as well."

"I will."


Peter gasped, falling forward onto his hands. Scott staggered backward, Deaton steadying him. Malia knelt next to her father, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"She... she did it to protect you," Peter whispered. "Talia didn't feel you'd be safe."


"She didn't feel that you'd be safe with your mother. Or even among us. That's why you were given up for adoption."

"Talia didn't come to me about this," Deaton said. "I didn't know about you until recently."

"So it wasn't because I was a coyote?"

"No. She probably didn't even know if you were supernatural. She was only thinking about keeping you safe."

Malia laid her head on Peter's shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. "But I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere."

Deaton started removing Talia's claws from under Scott's.

"I hope not," Peter answered, placing a hand on her arm.


"Hey, Dad."

Stilinski looked up as Stiles walked into his office. "Hey, kid. What's up?"

Stiles held up a take-out bag. "Lunch."

"Smells good."

Stiles took out a couple of burger boxes. "I promise they're real burgers this time."

"Good. I'm starving."

Stiles smiled.

"Any word on Kate?"

"Scott, Peter, and Derek tracked her to the Hale house, but she covered her scent afterward. They think she may have left town. No one has seen her at all."

"I'm not sure that's a good thing or a bad thing."

"Neither are we." Stiles popped a couple of fries into his mouth. "What about Araya?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full. Parrish saw her leave town. She may be trying to track down Kate, but I don't know how many of the Calaveras she left behind." The two then turned their talk to police work and current cases.


They parked the black sedan outside the animal clinic and watched. The man, the driver, had a professional camera in his hands and took several pictures of the people that came in and out of the clinic. A teenager on a green dirt bike pulled up and the man took several shots of him before he disappeared into the clinic.

"Are we sure who we're looking for is even in Beacon Hills?" the woman asked.

"The client is positive."

"But why the animal clinic?"

"Call it a hunch."

"Your hunches usually end badly." The two didn't say another word for several more hours. A woman with brown hair exited the clinic. The man took several shots of her as she walked to a midnight blue Mustang, laughing at something whoever she was talking to on the phone was saying.

"That has to be her."

"Are you sure?"

"That has to be Isabel Sullivan. She's the one the client wants. She has information the client wants."

Thank you to everyone for all the views, comments, and votes. I hope you enjoyed the story and if you have any questions that you would like answered in future books, feel free to comment or message me

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