A bunch of kids try to put another kid to sleep

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Takes place in S1 so Lloyd is a kid.


Dear Diary,

Last night was quite an adventure to say the least, and no, I'm not talking about the kinds in which we somehow end world hunger, slavery, racism, etcetera just by defeating an evil villain with the power of friendship and then proceed to win fifty nobel prizes, I'm talking about the kind that almost everyone goes through at some point: Putting a child to sleep.

Apparently some hot headed idiot with a porcupine on his head decided that a horror movie would be the perfect form of media to watch in the presence of a ten year old child, and it wasn't the kind which was poorly made to the point it was funny, that would actually be appropriate and would not make the child bother everyone else in the middle of the night, but nooo, peace and quiet is forbidden in this household! Which is why Kai decided to watch a 15+ horror movie which would make one pee their pants from too much terror.

In Kai's defence though, he was watching it on his own in the living room and Lloyd just happened to come by, watched whatever was happening on screen and now we have another topic to discuss with his therapist (Aka me)

But then again, my four precious hours of sleep are never coming back due to this fiasco so I still blame you Kai! (Even though it's not entirely your fault)

It was about 10pm (bedtime) when this entire thing started. I had just drifted off to sleep when Lloyd knocked on my door and asked if he could stay over as he was having trouble sleeping. I agreed and let him in. Fast forward one hour, I get woken up again and this time he tells me that he's unable to go to sleep. I suggest that he should do something to distract himself until he starts feeling sleepy so he decided to read the latest starfarer comic.

The thing is, Jay is the only one in the team that owns those comics (Gosh if he read that bit he'd immediately start berating me about how they aren't comics and are "extremely complex pieces of incredible artistry") so we went to the boys' room to get them, but instead, We find Jay snacking on Cole's candy stash with his nose burried in one of the comics (As though the possibility of Cole poisoning Jay's breakfast the next morning using his chilli didn't exist at all.)

That's where things started getting chaotic. Jay was reading a comic that Lloyd hadn't read at the moment and he'd already read the rest of the comics from the comic stash and wasn't in the mood to reread them. Jay wasn't in the mood to hand it over either as he was "on the best part" so I came up with a compromise they come over in my room and read it at the same time and that seemed to satisfy both of them.

Like I said earlier, peace and quiet is forbidden in this household so naturally no one here has the word "silent" in their vocabulary (apart from me and Wu. I know, we're sinners.) Which is why I suggested that they come to my room in order to not disturb the others but now that I think about it, That was probably the main reason why I lost four hours of sleep...

...but I'm still putting the blame on Kai because Lloyd is just an irritating child and Jay's too cute to be mad at.

I fell asleep for only ten minutes and woke up to a loud thwack. I opened my eyes and woke up to Lloyd assaulting Jay with a pillow. Apparently, the two had a heated argument over which starfarer comic was the greatest. One thing led to another and Lloyd was on top of a screaming Jay, wacking his face with a pillow while screaming bloody murder.

And I thought me and Kai having an argument over how toothpaste should be applied on a toothbrush was bad. (I still believe that you should put a pea sized blob of toothpaste)

Kai once said,

"If you have fire, put it out with a volcano. It sounds like it won't work but you never know until you try."

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