Episode 13 part 2

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"hiya princy-b!" Said Luz cheerfully as she entered the principal's office "can I call you that?"

"Absolutely not!" Said Bump sternly

"It's weird being in a principal's office without *cough* you know" said Luis looking all around the office

"And I hope there aren't going to be any "you know"s today" said Bumb Sternly "because today we'll be visited by the Emperor's coven for a routine inspection if we want to impress them , you have to join a coven track before they arrive"

"Actually principal Bump , I've made my own schedule!" Said Luz pulling out a scroll from who know where before telling Bump various things she'll do in multiple tracks

Bump laughed at this

"Studying multiple tracks at once?" Said Bump "nobody does that"

"Then we'll be first" said Luz happily "right Luis?"

"Luz , I think Eda chose to be a criminal for a reason" said Luis narrowing his eyes

"Yes , according to the rules , a good witch needs to hocus focus , you can only pick one of the nine tracks" said Bump sternly "and you do not want to embarrass me in front of the inspector"

"But all the tracks are sooo cool" said Luz unable to decide "is there some sort of enchanted article of clothing that could sort this out for me?"

"Well , there used to be a hat but" said Bump before zoning out for a second then he shuddered

"What else do you have, a potter?" Asked Luis raising a brow

"You mean hairy potter? Yes he makes the best pots out there , he just needs to get that hair out of the way first *shudders* he's like a mountain of hair , I can only imagine what lords of darkness live in there"

"Forget I ever asked" deadpanned Luis "back on topic, principal Bump , I don't think we can just , pick one, it'll be missing the full experience"

"Yeah" said Luz in agreement

"Then I'll pick for you" said Bump before picking randomly

"Please no oracle , please no oracle , please no oracle" pleaded Luis quietly

"Ah! Potion track, you humans are filled with liquids right?" Said Bump before drawing the circle

Changing Luz's costume , only Luz's

"Oh , I guess i have always liked pouring things into other things" said Luz smiling

"Now onto Luis" said Bump before bluntly saying "Oracle track"

"What! You didn't even pick randomly" said Luis in disbelief

"Because it's the one you'll cause the least trouble in" deadpanned Bump "potions, the griffin incident , Abomination , you made a carnivorous stage , same for construction , healing, No ,plants and beast keeping , griffin incident AND carnivorous stage , bar_"

"Ok ok I get it" said Luis before Bump stopped and drew the circle changing Luis's costume into the purple of the oracle track "it just had to be oracle , the one I have no knowledge on , even illusions would've been better than this"

"I expect you two to be on your best behavior , based on the costly repairs from recent incidents , we could really use a donation from the Emperor's coven" said Bump with a smile "now off to class"

Then Bump floated Luz and Luis to class with magic without moving

Then a scream was heard and the choosy hat broke free

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