Start from the beginning

Indecisive and all over the place. Stuck between wanting to save myself from any pain, to fighting the growing emotion i feel for King.

I let out another longing sigh. Shaking my head as a way of responding him.

My attention back on sushi, i called out for the chunky cat.

A small smile formed on his lips, it's as if he understood everything inside my head although i didn't say a word. It's amazing how friends just get you. He slowly picked up a kitten and gently placed it on my lap.

It's as if he was telekinetic, realizing i was yearning for some cat loving. I slightly squealed, taking in the moment. Forgetting about everything just for now.


After much needed cat therapy, we both headed towards Uni, we parted ways as he went back to the Kings room and i went to get some printouts. Yes of course i'm going to go this extra mile to get them for free. God forbid i actually pay for them.

walking through to uni suddenly started giving me flashbacks of what happened the night before. How fast the Night changed.

It really was a perfect date. So far from the others i've been to before. Did i really have to say all those things to him?

"Well look who showed up" Rhiannon walked in from behind me, giving me a friendly slap on my back.

"So? what hap-"

unable to hold in all of this chaos in my head for too long, I word vomited every single detail from last night.

her reactions varied from her eyes widening to squealing to even audibly gasping.

"so wait... you told him off? you haven't spoken since?"

I sheepishly nodded in response.

Rhi grabbed my arm and pulled us into a corner, only then realizing i've been spilling the tea in the middle of the pathway.

"so what now?" she asked me, puzzled.

"i- i don't know. i feel sort of awful, i think i should apologize"

Taken back with what i said her eyebrows furrowed.

"Apologize? i thought you hated him?... girl why do you always change your mind with him. either you hate him or you let this happen"

She's right. Why do i keep sabotaging every opportunity for us to start something. Am i that traumatized to push him away like this? part of me wants this to happen, more nights like last night before the fight of course. but something in me just refuses at the second of us getting closer. But i know i feel something for him. I just can't trust him.

Man this would all work out if i just went to therapy. But i'm too broke for that so i'm raw dogging the decisions i'm gonna make.

"You're right. Something just stops me from letting us happen. I should go apologize to him"

Rhi giving me a nod of approval, i headed towards the Kings room, just to check if he could be there.

My heart was beating fast, my cheeks feel warm again. This really only happens when i'm about to see him. My body is so confusing i literally hate it sometimes.

Standing in front of the door, i inhaled deeply. Okay here goes.

opening the doors i'm met with bare silence, no one's here. I've never seen the room empty before. Seems peaceful.

"Hey!" A familiar voice came in from one side of the room. squinting my eyes to see where the voice came from, i could see Liam's chocolate curls bobbing in from a beanbag chair. He has sunken all the way in i didn't even see him.

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