May 21, 1996 - Part 1

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Harvey had never wanted to throw books more in his life. He wanted to grab the textbook that sat before him and throw it across the room so that he didn't have to look at it anymore. He was over it. The last two days, he had done nothing but listen to his Professors and Hermione go on and on about revision and their final exams. He was sick of it, and Harvey hated tests.

The other annoying thing was the fact that Hermione seemed to be enjoying herself. Harvey's friendship with her had started out as rocky, but he had come to know that there was a lot more about her than just how obsessed she was with learning. He liked the side of her that wasn't always burying her nose in books; he liked the side that did too, but currently studious Hermione was getting on his nerves.

Harvey didn't even believe that Harry focused that much on revision, and he was a Ravenclaw. He could see him doing it for Potions, but not every bloody subject. It was exhausting, and Harvey really wanted a nap. He had barely made it through their morning class of Transfiguration and wasn't looking forward to Defence.

A large yawn came out of Harvey as he walked with Hermione towards the Defence classroom. She gave him a look and said, "Did Ron keep you up again?"

Harvey shook his head. Ron had been trying to apologise and fix their friendship over the past few days, which meant he was trying all sorts of things to earn Harvey's forgiveness. There had been a few ridiculous things that the red-head had tried out, all of them failing because the only thing that Harvey would accept would be for Ron to stop being a jerk towards Harry. Of course, he didn't believe it would happen anytime soon, and so he just decided to let Ron continue to make his attempts since there was no way anyone could convince him that he was going about it all wrong.

"I did try and tell him to stop with his antics," Hermione said.

Harvey sighed. "I know. Everyone has. But he is determined." He rubbed his eyes.

"Why don't you just accept his apology?" she asked.

"I want to," he said, "but it isn't me that he needs to apologise too."


Harvey nodded. "The issues between Harry and me are that; between Harry and me. Ron seems to think that because they are my problems, he has a right to get in the middle. Things have finally gotten better between Harry and me, and Ron seems to be determined to ruin it."

Hermione frowned. "Maybe there is something else bothering Ron?"

"Like what? He hasn't said anything."

Hermione stopped in her tracks and tapped her chin. "You said that Ron has always had issues with Harry."

Harvey nodded.

"And that he was always pointing out that Harry was a bad brother and that he would be a better brother to you."

Again, Harvey nodded.

"Sounds like he has some sibling issues of his own."

Harvey frowned. "But Ron's brothers seem cool. The twins, especially."

"To you, maybe." Hermione sighed. "Ron might have grown up feeling left out by his brothers, just like you did with Harry. Now, Harry and you have mended things, or at least you're trying too, and Ron sees this as a bad thing rather than a good thing."

"You make it sound like Ron's jealous of Harry."

Hermione shrugged. "Maybe he is."

Harvey didn't want to believe it. Ron was his best friend; he had no reason to be jealous of his relationship with Harry.

(1) Brothers (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora