September 15, 1995

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The first few weeks of classes had been an interesting balancing act for Harry. He had found that the change from the standard school timetable left him a little uneasy, but when things had been the same for four years, he knew it would just take some time before he found a balance to it all. Harry had enjoyed his time, though. Snape had already challenged him in interesting ways, and he found helping the first years almost enjoyable—almost!

But even with everything that had been happening, he made sure to hang out with his friends. They had all complained that he was no longer in their potions class, meaning that he wasn't there to stop them from destroying caldrons or handing in uncompleted potions. It amused Harry, especially when Snape would mutter about how stupid certain Malfoy's could be at some times.

But the work and the challenges of the week weren't what concerned him. It was Professor Quirrell. The man had taught Muggle Studies since Harry's first year. He was odd and had never truly stood out—meaning Harry had found his classes boring and easy—but this year, he was somehow the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Harry had mentioned the change to Snape, but he hadn't even gotten a response. The Potion's Professor has simply snapped at him to pay attention.

The feeling in his gut bothered Harry whenever he saw the man. With his large purple turban—that had never been seen on his head before this year—was always giving Harvey strange looks. The boy didn't seem to notice, but how could anyone ignore the blatant staring from across the Great Hall. And then there was the way his magic seemed to bubble beneath his skin. Harry had sat through double D.A.D.A on Tuesday and a single period on Wednesday, and his skin had crawled whenever the professor got too close. It was alarming.

He had considered mentioning his magic's reaction to either Snape or Flitwick, but he decided to just ignore it. There were times that Harry tended to overreact, and he could just be tired from his busy schedule. And having Harvey around was also an oddity and an irritation.

For four years, Hogwarts had been a safe haven from his annoying younger brother, but now it felt like he wasn't able to escape him. Harry felt like he was constantly harassed by the boy in and outside of classes. In Potions class, if it was anything other than a question about the work, he would simply dismiss him. But outside, the boy was more persistent.

One spot that he seemed to always interrupt was when Harry was in the library. With the free time he did have, the library was always the least distracting place to get his work done. His friends often joined him, knowing that if they were to bother him, he would kick them out well before the librarian did.

It had been one afternoon when Cedric, Jenna and Dylan had all joined him. The four of them working on the same essay that Flitwick had given them. Harry had noticed his brother approaching them before anyone else, he had hoped that his glare would have scared him off, but it hadn't worked.

Harry huffed and said, "I'm busy." It was ending the conversation before it begun, or at least he had hoped.

Harvey had smiled awkwardly and said, "I know, but I have a question about the cure for boils essay."

Harry let out an annoyed sigh, but before he could speak, Jenna jumped in. "Oh, I remember the good old boils. Those were simpler days."

Cedric and Dylan laughed, but Harry just glared at her.

"Didn't you melt that one, Jenna?" asked Dylan.

Jenna squinted her eyes but smiled. "No. That was you."

Dylan chuckled. "Oh right, Snape almost killed me."

"Neville Longbottom melted his too," said Harvey.

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