October 31, 1995

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Harry always hated Halloween. Ever since he could remember, the night was just a reminder of what had happened all those years ago. Harvey had been declared 'The-Boy-Who-Lived', and everyone knew his name. There was a small ball of bitterness that no one seemed to care that he had also been there. He, too, had somehow survived Voldemort's attack. But apparently, that didn't matter.

Regardless, Halloween was a waste of time and a major distraction. Harry preferred to focus on his studies and pretend like it was any other day. But waking up, he could just tell that something wasn't right.

Once he had dressed and made his way downstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast, he found Dylan staring intently at his plate of food. Jenna was nowhere to be seen, and it seemed that no one else in their house had wanted to attempt to find out what was bothering him.

Harry sat down across from him and said, "If you are trying to use wandless magic, I think you need some instruction."

Dylan's eye flickered up to him, and he frowned. "If I were trying to use wandless magic, then you would find yourself on your ass."

Harry smirked. "That I would like to see."

Dylan let out a huff and picked up his fork. He poked at the bacon on his plate.

Harry grabbed a few pieces of toast and started to spread out the jam. He said, "What is bothering you? You were fine last night."

It didn't take much to change Dylan's mood. He was a fairly sensitive guy. Jenna had attempted to comfort him on many occasions that girls liked boys who were emotional, but it had never helped. Instead, Dylan tried to keep his emotions in—he just wasn't particularly good at it.

"I received a letter from my father." Dylan dropped his fork and leant his arms on the table.

Harry frowned and placed down his knife. Dylan's parents were two muggles that Harry was glad he had never met. From the years of watching Dylan deal with his parent's incapability to deal with his magic, Harry had concluded that they weren't nice people.

"What did the letter say?" asked Harry.

Dylan cringed, then said, "My parents are getting a divorce."

It made sense. Even with the difficult relationship that Dylan shared with his parents, no child wanted to see their family ripped in half. Harry had grown up in a spilt parent household, and it had left a wound that still wasn't healed.

"I see," said Harry.

"Father has told me that I will be staying with him in the house; Mother will be moving to her sister's house until she can find a place of her own," said Dylan.

Harry sighed. He wanted to offer his friend comfort but wasn't sure what to say. "I don't know what to say," was all he managed.

Dylan's frown broke, and a small smile appeared. "Can always trust your honesty, Black."

The two of them sat there in silence and ate their breakfast. When it was over, Dylan told him that he would meet him in Charms. Harry watched his friend leave and only realized he had halted, just outside the Great Hall, when Carlisle' arm slung around his shoulders.

"What was going on with you and Dylan? You two looked very glum," said Carlisle.

Harry sighed. "He is dealing with some family crap."

Will appeared to Harry's left and said, "Aren't we all."

"Speaking of family, who is your new step-daddy?" asked Carlisle. "You never did say."

Will rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Such class," said Harry.

Carlisle shrugged. "It's why you all love me."

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