CHAPTER 23: Revelation

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The guy seemed like the most laid back one, he wore a college jersey that was firm for his built arms and broad chest with a crest of CLS music academy which according to Ella's knowledge was the most prestigious music institution in the state, it wasn't very close though and she wondered what these people were doing so far from the campus.

The guy was tall, his dark hair tousled, his voice deep, deeper than you'd expect from his boyish features. He looked the most frustrated of that conversation and didn't make a secret of it as he flailed around- apparently trying to make the girls switch the subject to something less tear-inducing.

"Guys I'm not an optimist, you know me better than anyone, in fact, I like sad endings, but the ending for that book was perfect and it was the best closure they could have." the redhead explained.

"Deep down you're an optimist- even though you claim to be a pessimistic drama queen, you're a secret optimist." the other girl playfully accused.

"There's nothing wrong with being an optimist, I am loud and proud. I love happy endings and I'm not ashamed to admit it." the guy puffed his chest out as he sat up straighter. "And Rhea I must disagree- that was a sad ending, so much so that every song I wrote for some time after reading that book makes people burst into tears."

"But every song I played on my cello was a happy melody." Rhea argued, "They both set out to find each other- is that not a happy ending?"

"Yeah they did but they didn't actually meet did they?" the brunette girl added.

"They could have crossed paths at the wrong time and would have never met each other!" the dude said supporting the argument.

"But there was a subtle mention of the fact that everything turned out well." She argued, pushing her long hair behind her ear. Ella was entertained for sure and she couldn't wait to tell her brother all about this scenario.

"No there wasn't, in fact, it was subtly indicated that- not everything works out as it should." the tall guy said.

"You're all correct." Ella couldn't help but blurt those words, giving away that she's been listening in.

Three pairs of surprised eyes now gawked at her with poorly concealed confusion. "Sorry, I couldn't help but to hear..." she added as she tried not to get flustered under their scrutiny and continued to speak now that she had their attention, "The ending of Ivory Castle was meant to be that way, it was crafted very carefully and meticulously. The author wanted readers to project onto his abstract words and realise their own ending."

"How can you be so sure?" the girl with a pitchy voice and a cute bob cut asked.

"I've been following Cameron Sinclair's work for a long time and analysed them, trust me- I know what he had in mind. The ending was deliberate and I must admit, quite clever too," she said. The question of whether the book had a happy or a sad ending became the talk of the town on the internet which resulted in bigger sales and the book stayed on the bestseller list for months because everyone wanted to know what it was about.

"But how- I don't get it." The guy said and Ella smiled and elaborated.

"If you paid close attention to the choice of words towards the end scene of the book, it became more and more abstract as opposed to specific. The language became less concrete which is usually advised against but in this case, it worked." She told them and all three of them listened to her like she was some kind of expert.

"I feel like I should re-read the book." He said.

"It's even better the second time around, I definitely recommend it-..." she paused, not knowing his name.

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