01 | the crossword

255 57 21

'Love is something words cannot define.'

As she wrote, she thought, why?

Because it means so much than just letters strung together for people you adore every single day of your living, for people who you can willingly die for, for people you scare death of more than your own.

It is so much more than just a game of words.

Lovers say 'love has no condition,' but then again, why? After doing so much for the ones she loved, did she expect the same back from them? And why? When she didn't get the same, did it send disappointment flashing through her slate-gray eyes every time without fail? Why did she believe then and there, they were nothing worth her hard work? Was this a disease in her head or, was it a craving that was unacceptable to stop, or was it something more?

Her lips spilled the same words over and over again every day, every time to a new person, a new man, 'forever, I love will you too,' but why could she never earn those letters to make an impact for real? Why did they only smell like weak, breakable pledges, tricks, and lies to her? why was her love built on hopeless secrets and lies? Why could anything not be 'forever'? 


She did not know. She had given everything to him for just love in return, yet she failed, over and over again, not knowing what she missed each time he brushed the hair out of her gentle face a little too quickly. She gave him gifts, surprises, books, and time more than twenty-four hours but yet, she failed over and over. 

Was this love?

Little did she know she was correct and wrong at once because love was more than words, gifts, surprises set on the line. It was about time, passion, admiration, and love itself for the loved. It was about the smiles, laughter, hugs, and fear of never having them look at you again. It was everything and nothing.

The boy was never worth her sweat. Because to her, love was so much more than just a game of crossword. It was so much more than finding another way out even when the board shortened in space, shortened in love, shortened in time. She was right about everything that was, just as she had let him slip through her heart. She deserved more than a master of games or a master of crosswords.

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