Chapter Twenty-Eight - Reuniting

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"What are you doing on the train?" Harry asked, somewhat of a bite to his voice.

Tom raised an eyebrow, "How else would I get to Hogwarts? I do not have a floo connection set up, nor can I just apperate onto the grounds. Besides, I missed the train of my school days."

"You went to school here?" Draco asked.

"Yes, I was a first year when Quirrell was a fifth, he personally tutored me for a few years after Hogwarts. He was the one who recommended me to Dumbledore for the job."

"So you were here before Dumbledore was Headmaster." Blaise said.

Tom, or "Nicholas", nodded, "He was Transfiguration Professor while I was in school, became the Headmaster the year after I graduated."

"What house were you?" Draco asked.

Tom smirked, "Slytherin of course."

"I'm gonna go find Hermione." Harry announced, "If I leave her and Anthony alone for too long they'll already start studying for classes that haven't even started yet."

Harry pushed passed Tom, the man staring after him, slightly confused. Draco and Blaise looked at each other, something was up with Harry.

"Well, I best be getting back to my own compartment." Tom said, closing the door and going the opposite direction as Harry.

Harry burst into the compartment, finding Hermione and Anthony reading from the same book.

"Harry?" Hermione asked.

The green eyed boy in question flopped down angrily into a seat across from his best friend.

"Did something happen? I thought you said we we're 'being too boring'?" Hermione added the bit of teasing at the end in an attempt to get Harry to respond, but it was in vain, Harry didn't do anything, he just glared out the window at the rolling hills.

Hermione looked over at Anthony for help, but he appeared to be just as confused as she was. Hermione sighed, Harry would calm down eventually. About half an hour later the compartment door slide open, a young girl walking in. She frowned, seeing an irritated Harry. She moved over to the seat next to him, Harry looking over at her.

Luna poked Harry right in between his eyebrows, "Did you listen to the Dabberblimps again?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, "Dabberblimps?"

Luna nodded, "Yes. A Dabberblimp is a magical creature that causes all those who listen to them to become angry."

"Those creatures don't exist Luna." Hermione told her, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Luna looked over at her, "Not many believe in them, but I do. I haven't happened to see one yet, but I know they're out there somewhere."

Harry smiled and wrapped and arm around Luna, "We'll go out and look for them together someday."

Luna smiled up at Harry, resting her head on his shoulder, "What did they tell you?"

Harry sighed, "It's really complicated."

"I'm a Ravenclaw."

Harry laughed, "I'll tell you later."

Luna nodded and closed her eyes, Harry turning back to looking out the window. Hermione and Anthony exchange a look, both of them started to grin. Hermione stood up and pulled out a muggle camera from her trunk, sitting back down she snapped a quick picture of Harry and Luna.

.         .         .         .         .         .         .

Harry, Hermione, Anthony, Luna, and Neville all got into a carriage together, riding up to the school. When they made it into the Great Hall Harry waved bye to his friends and made his way over to the Slytherin table, sitting between Blaise and Pansy. He felt three pairs of eyes on him, but he really didn't care as he engaged in conversation with his peers until McGonagall led the first years in for the sorting. Harry watched with delated interest since he didn't know any of the first years, once it was done Dumbledore stood up to give his start of term speech.

"A warm welcome to all of you, as you may have noticed we have a few changes to the staff this year. First, let us all welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Professor  Vanidestine." Tom stood up and got an applause that lasted just a few seconds before he sat down once again, Dumbledore continuing, "As well as our beloved Grounds Keeper, Hagrid, who will be taking over a our care of Magical Creatures Professor." Just as he had done in Harry's memories Hagrid accidentally stabbed Flitwick in the hand with his fork, as well as moved the table when he stood up, earning a few laughs and a louder applause. The students really loved Hagrid, "Yes, yes, we will miss our old professors, but welcome our new ones with open arms. With that said, let the feast begin!"

The tables filled their selves with food and Harry dug in, missing the deliciousness of Hogwarts feasts. When they got back to the dorms Harry had decided to stick around in the common room. He knew Snape had been sending him glances throughout the feast, Harry figuring that he was itching to know if it really was him or not. His suspicions were confirmed when after he was done giving his speech to the first years the man approached him.

"Mr. Potter-Black, could I speak to you in my office?"

Harry smiled slightly, knowing what was coming, "Sure thing professor."

Harry followed his greasy haired head of house out of the dormitory and into the man's office. When Snape sat down behind his desk he started his questioning, "I am surprised that you're a member of the order."

"And I'm surprised that you're actually loyal to Tom. I thought for sure that you were loyal to Dumbledore." Harry said casually, sitting down in one of the chairs set out in front of the man's desk.

Snape's eyes widened, "So it really was you."

Harry smirked, "Did you doubt me? I am a Slytherin after all, we're known to be sneaky."

"Why are you in the Order if you are an ally of the Dark Lord?"

Harry shrugged, "It's part of our plan."

"What plan?"

"A revenge plan."

Snape looked as if he wanted to ask more, but he knew he wouldn't be getting any answers out of Harry on that subject, instead he tried for something else, "How did you know that the dark lord had returned?"

Harry snorted, "I was the one who gave him the stone."

Snape blinked, "But- I thought Quirrell-"

"Nope. It was me, Quirrell wouldn't have been able to get it even if he tried, only one who wants to obtain the stone, but not use it, can receive it."

Snape's mouth became a thin line, he opened it a few moments later, but whatever he was going to say was stopped by the door to his office opening.


Tom stopped mid sentence when he saw Harry.

"I'll be taking my leave then." Harry said, getting up.

"Well don't leave on my arrival." Tom said, somewhat bitterly.

"Since when do I listen to you?" Harry asked, though he didn't let Tom answer, "Oh, wait, I forgot. I don't have to listen to you because you stopped talking to me."

Harry slammed the door to Snape's office shut behind him.

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