I flush and look away from him. He knew just the right words to embarrass me, I hated and liked the fact. He plays with a stand of my hair, his eyes unfocused. I sink into the matress, pulling the blankets closer to me. It was then, I noticed, that Hikaru was laying on top of the blankets and not underneath. My feelings for him strenghten, he had been considerate even when I was asleep and not awake to make decisions.

"What time is it?"

Hikaru tucks the strand of hair behind my ear, his eyes losing the unfocused look. "It's about seven, so we should probably get ready and head to the main room, dinner's about to be served."

I start, glancing over his shoulder and reading teh clock. He was right, it was ten minutes till sven and I could smell food being cooked. Throwing the blankets off I tumble out of bed, my legs still a little weak, and scramble to the bathroom.

"Your outfit is hanging beside the shower." Hikaru calls from wherever he was in the room.

I don't respond, trying to lock the door and not fall over. Appearntly, if you almost drown your body isn't back to normal after a good sleep. You would think, but oh no, it's the opposite. Scrambling around, and trying not to hit anything, I slip out of my regular clothes- and without looking- I pull on the clothes Hikaru had said were beside the shower. Gazing into the mirror I hold back a small yelp.

"Hikari!" I throw open the door. "I am not wearing this!"

Hikaru turns, his eyes lighting up when they land on me. He whistles, pulling me to him. "No, you're definitely wearing it."

I shake my head, white strands tangling with my lashes. Hikaru frowns, pulls the hair out of my face, and shakes his own head. "It looks weird..." I stare at the plain, but beautiful, black dress with white buttons running down the center, lace trailing at the ends. The back was open with lace, a rose pattern woven in. Even though I didn't want to admit it, the dress complaimented my hair and eyes nicely.  

"Is Meg up yet?" Kaoru walks in, the door swining open.

Hikaru pulls away from me, but spins me around to face Kaoru. "Tell her she looks good so we can leave. I'm starving."

Kaoru looks me up and down, nodding after ge reaches my eyes. "top worrying, you look fine. Now, Hikaru has a point, I'm starving."

I scowl at them, knowing they were right- well right on the fact that I was hungry, but not about me looking good in a dress. Sighing, knowing I was defeated, I march out the door and follow the scent of food. Hikaru and Kaoru trail behind me, their footsteps echoing mine. Because we'd talked about, my mouth was watering by the time we made it to the main room where everyone was.

"Honey." I smile, noticing the blonde haired boy first.

He turns around, a smile already on his face, and does a double take. "Meg-chan, you look great!"

"See we told you so." Kaoru thumps my shoulder, smirking.

Rolling my eyes, I hit him back and focus on Honey. "Where's Haruhi?"

The brown haired girl wasn't in the room when I'd scanned the room ealier. Honey checks, but when a frown appears on his face I know he didn't see Haruhi either. "She'll be here soon, probably getting ready like you had been."

"Hmmm, okay." I say, slightly worried.

Honey offers me a small smile, trying to ease the worry. I smile back and walk further into the room, taking a seat between Hikaru and Kaoru. The other hosts were taking their seats as well, Tamaki was looking gloom (I'd have to ask Hikaru and Kaoru later) and Kyoya looked royally pissed (another question I would have to ask the twins about).

Beautiful Curse-OHSHC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now