chapter 4

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Later into the night ...

"As a person who appreciates there night's sleep I'm going to bed and I recommend that too everyone else as well because, we have a long and important day tomorrow," Ectoplasm preached as he left the room in favor of going to his dorm to sleep after finishing all his work.

It was just turning 11pm and they were finishing whatever work they had. There were people who had already handed over the work and were now waiting for the other staff to get finished.

Izuku was on of them, Snipe had just left with the rest who were following Ectoplasm out the door.

The people who were left now were Nemuri and Yamada. Aizawa was for some reason finished just after Deku and decided sleeping was better.
"For someone who dose nothing all day, he sure finishes quick!?!" Hizashi exclaimed.
"That's what she said" Deku mumbled back just loud enough for them both to hear.

It was quite for a moment then they both bust out laughing. That was the loudest they have ever heard him speak.

Deku refused to come down and so they eventually gave up and left him there for the night.

Next morning {5am}...

The first down to get ready for the day was surprisingly Aizawa who probably woke up in the middle of the night and didn't go back to sleep.

He just glance up at Izuku and walked away not bothering to tell him to get down or something about safety because it happened so often he had to tell himself to ignore stuff like that.

Next was a group of three which consisted of power Loader, thirteen and mic. Because power Loader works for support chorse he has to come to school early to clean so he wakes up early more often than not.

Thirteen had a similar reason but hers was because of she normally has to take care of the USJ.

Mic has to get up for his radio show on weekdays so he was an early riser.

When they entered the common room to get to the kitchen only one of them ignored it and it was in fact thirteen, her thoughts were 'it's to early for this shit I'm just gonna ignore it'

The sight they were met with was great it was Izuku hanging from the ceiling via sashes. He was upsidedown hanging from his legs and hips; rapped in the fabric.

The roof of the dorms were really high, so if he fell from that hight he most definitely would die. Alot of people who know Deku know he isn't gonna die some wimpy death like 'falling from a high places'.

Hizashi took a couple pictures same for Maijima they took them because the lighting hit him perfectly and after that they left because they didn't want to wake him.

Vald never saw him the rest didn't bother with sticking around and assumed someone already got the pictures. Midnight got some of her own because she's like that.

Aizawa was just waiting in the corner for the final event which was basically him falling from the sash. He has seen this before and had his phone out to record when it happens.

A beep came from the ceiling and Aizawa pressed the record button. Izuku's eyes shot open and he moved into a different position and he let go. He spiralled down to the ground but when he got close he slowed to a stop and then there was a small 'thump' and he was down.

It really was a great show he stopped for a good few seconds before catching his breath.

Aizawa got up getting the message; handing him the change of clothes and turning around for him to change real quick.

When he finished the old clothes disappeared and they headed out to the test security room to view the new possible students.

Time skip brought to you by my awful sleep schedule ...

They were all sitting in the camera room waiting for Yamada to finnish his speech when he jumped and squeaked looked down and signed, the audience looked hella confused then he continued on so they pretended it didn't happen.

Nezu laughed at this, already knowing what happened. It took a while before the other staff realized what happend. Well not Vald he was really confused though he tried asking what happened but no one gave him an answer.

The test results were quite interesting. This test could be very biased. On one hand you can really see the power houses. On the contrary anyone else basically just lost their chance. By the end of the test Izuku was inside the head of the 'zero pointer' sleeping peacefully.

Nobody beat the monster of a machine; causing a random girl to break her leg. The zero pointer almost killed her if Izuku hadn't stopped the zero pointer for a few 'unnoticeable' seconds waiting for one of the kids to grab her and get out.

There was this one kid that passed solely on hero points. His name was 'Shinso Hitoshi' he was the one who saved the girl.

Back in the control room Nezu was crazed. He couldn't wait for their next conversation.


Ok......I forgot I wrote this so I'm going to force myself to go somewhere with it }:‑) sorry it's not as long.
Don't mind me asking but what would you prefer, long(1000-2000 words) or short (500-1000 words) Chapters??

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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