chapter 2

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Ok, so where we left off was that the chaotic quartet just arrived at the meeting room and were relieved to know that they weren't the last people to arrive yet. As that was all might.

They told Aizawa at get up and out of the sleeping bag 'cause that's just disrespectful. He reluctantly did so leaving Deku in there to continue to nap.

They have been pro heros for for around 20- 25 years and teaching at a UA for six of them.
But, despite being adults and pro heros they are still chaotic as ever no matter how responsible they make themselves out to be.

As for Deku he was still asleep and was set in his colourful bean bag chair in the corner that somehow nobody becides Nezu had noticed until now.

Vald King, was the new heroics teacher that year and was confused as to why nobody was saying anything about the small child in the corner.
"Hello Thirteen, ectoplasm do you know why there is some random child in the corner"he asked the two people to his right who were 13 and ectoplasm.

They just stared for a second then looked to where he was pointing and laughed, they knew full we'll just what he was talking about and the people who listened in chuckled as well knowing where this was going.
Thirteen answered in her robotic voice,"you don't know him well neither do I, you should ask the trouble makers over there there better people to explain than me!"

Vald felt that answer he got was absolutely useless. They obviously knew something because they didn't question it before him.

He also didn't like it because he hated talking to them, the only one he could remotely stand to be in the presence of was Aizawa and most of the time he fell asleep.

he decided he still wanted his explanation and asked him (Shota) "Eraserhead, may you be the one to give me an explanation as to what that child is doing in here? It is unprofessional to bring a child to a meeting he looks around the same age as the people taking the exam this year!"

He looked over his shoulder lazily as he was talking with power Loader.
"And why would you need that information? as far as I'm concerned he has nothing to do with you." He grumbled
Vald looked took aback by the attitude he was getting.

"I'm just trying to figure out a reason for a child to be in here because as far as I'm concerned nobody has a child here becides Snipe."
"I .......did he really think he was your child." Sayed Yamada as he was holding in his laugh with his hand as well as most of the staff at his confusion.

"No Vald, I'm not related to him in any way." This time he was grinning one of his shit eating grins waiting for his next Guess.

"Are you lot babysitting him or something because why else would he be in your sleeping bag!."he was trying to keep his cool but it was really starting to annoy him that nobody was telling him.

"What are you talking about, he's not in my sleeping bag what are you talking about◉‿◉,"
And he was right he wasn't in the corner, absolutely nobody saw him leave which is hard to do because of how loud the door is and the fact there all pros.

Suddenly All might came busting in the room in his skinny form. Absolutely out of breath, looking like he just ran a marathon.

Everyone knew it was him because they were already informed of his health.

He walked to his seat saying " I'm so sorry everyone! There was a slime villain attacking some kid and it took some time to save them  without hurting anyone!?!"he sat down after placing the sleeping kid on his lap and continuing "On the way up here I stopped and picked Deku up at the gate, if you wanted him back up here," everyone knew something he didn't and he wasn't having it.
"Is nobody going to tell me who this deku kid is!??!" All might just stared at him for a second and read the room and decided on not telling him

Thirteen just smiled at him then turned to Yagi and said "pass him over, I want cuddles,"

Nezu interrupted whatever was going to happen next in favour of starting the meeting instead, " Hello Everyone and welcome to the first meeting of the school year. I would love to open the discussion by talking about the entrance exam and how exactly things will go. Presentation mic will be the public speaker of the hero course exam and now go mic." He said as he pointed to him.

He was put on the spot so he hesitated before standing up to speek. He was wearing a speedy put together version of his uniform. "I wrote out my speech for this year I hope it looks up to your standards please don't kill me." Yamada was still terrified by Nezu; as he should he Nezu liked it that way.

"Thank you Mic, I will look over this and email my thoughts about it later, next topic.........."

Time skip...

The meeting was nearly coming to a close and Deku has been passed around four times by now. And then finally Nezu asked ," there any questions left or has everything been covered by now,"

Nezu knew full we'll what Vald King was gonna ask and didn't plan on giving him a clear answer just to mess with him.He was gonna find out soon but not just yet.

"Sir, as much as I respect your judgement, please can you explain why a young teen has been passed around the room like a box and why nobody will tell me who he is. I expected everyone to act more professional than...this and not mess with me just because I'm new."

Nezu just smiled and waited for everyone to stop the giggling and laughing at Valds displeasure.

"Vald King I can tell you this; that Deku is infact just as old as you if not older and the reason for the staffs behavior is because we as staff keep up the students and teachers morale by bacicly messing the students and each other. I like to watch as it's great entertainment on my half. Deku has been at this school for almost 27 years his 28th anniversary is in a week if you would like to join us it is on school grounds as he doesn't leave unless certain circumstances so feel free to join and as of now you are free someone please tell Deku to come to my office after his nap I'm sure he has caught up with everything else this first meeting if now come to a close!!"

Deku started clapping for some reason when Nezu got out of his chair so the staff did too just because they didn't want to leave him hanging. 

So in conclusion Vald left for his bed and chose it wasn't worth it. And proceeded to question his life choices.

Hi it is I the one and only author two chapters in on day I'm really board 😃I liked that meme

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