chapter 3

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Once Kagyama left him sitting on his bean bag and everyone left is when he started his climb.

Nezu found it funny what Izuku did when nobody was looking; besides the cameras. It was like he was antagonizing people by barely moving around them.

Nezu watched as he sprinted up the wall effortlessly, like every other time and squeezed himself through a child sized hole;that might I add is very noticeable in the ceiling.

Nezu fixed it once and came back to find it there again, he looked through footage and found Izuku made it to crawl through and after that he didn't even try to cover it. He just left it there. He was tempted to put a doggy door there just to laugh about and add to his funny Izuku compilation.

He arrived in his office once again and Nezu started telling him about there plans for the year.

Eventually he managed to start Izuku on a mumbling spree which lasted thirty minutes more than usual it was now dark outside but neither minded because neither normally slept at night.

Izuku's mumbling habit was one of Nezu's favorite things in this horrible world. His reasoning was because how fast his brain works to keep up sometimes he would hand him a notebook just to help release some unexpressed thoughts.

His mind runs a mile a minute and if he doesn't let them out it hurts so Nezu likes to pick at his brain and use him; with his consent of course.

The way a lot of the activity on school grounds plays out use Izuku as a dummy for training. And as bad as that seems he has never actually been the looser of those fights.

Both of the different reasons they stay up: Izuku because he makes up for not getting sleep by not moving and frequent naps during the day and Nezu because he physically can't sleep unless it's on command.
You know the experiments kinda not let him go to sleep.

They decided that was enough for today and went to do there own thing which for Nezu consisted of him judging old and new movies till morning.

But for Deku that was a different story. His version of a good night consisted of him sneaking into one of the teachers dorm room and borrowing there computer to hack into police files to anonymously solve crimes or ....just get blackmail to save onto his chip, all the while listening to a bunch of old musicians like Megan Trainer, Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran.

He always more active at night so if he danced to most of the songs nobody says anything.

A good 3 hours of him doing this and suddenly a light turns on and he didn't even notice because he's to focused on looking to security footage and listening to 'me too' on the headset.

The person just sighs and picked him up and sets him on his lap so he was now straddling him. The teacher might I add was, Aizawa.

This isn't the first time this has happened so Izuku's only reaction was a small, almost unnoticeable blush from the position.

Dew to his body staying the same so did his point of view and his body is a literal 17 year olds so... Yeah just saying.

Aizawa being as perspective as he is noticed but didn't say anything, he just looked at the screen and looked at what he was doing.

"it's the case on the poet killer, I figured his quirk was something to do with sound waves so some sound his voice makes, If the footage has anything to say. He kills with a steak knife for some reason probably to do with not beimg able to afford anything, else I think it's the husband, because his alibi seemed to be a bit to hesitant." He whispered into Shota's ear almost going into a mumbling period but he stoped him.

"You understand you could do this legally if you actually left to go to the station and except there offer and not break in," he mumbled back into his ear half asleep already.

He just hummed softly in response but he wasn't really listening, he set his head on the others shoulder and passed out almost immediately.

Aizawa turned the music off and signed out of the sites where there were quite a bit.

He got up lifting deku with him carrying the both of them to his bed.

He laid down with Deku on his chest and slept.

Time skip morning...

The morning came. A new Sunday morning and they both slept thru it. Well to be fair they woke up multiple times and fell back to sleep not caring.

That's when Yamada decided it was time for them to get up and try and get some of their  work done  before the entrance exam the next day.

He  broke in via his amazing lock picking skills. He found them in the bedroom cuddled up together sleeping he got Nemuri and they took a bunch of pictures before trying to wake them up.

But really it was Aizawa they wanted up because they knew Deku would magically have all the work done on time.

They both knew if they yelled that would mean death so poking him was option two. He woke up and flipped them off, but got up anyway with Deku  who just attached himself to him. 

When they got to the common area a bunch of the staff were there doing there reports and paper work together.  So they just joined them.

Deku woke up realizing he was in the way. Slowly he crawled out of his arms and made his way slowly and effortlessly crawler up the wall.

some of the more observational staff watched baffled at how he still dose that.

While they did that he got into a comfortable position upsidedown hanging by a sash like thing that some of those dancers use.

Nobody has any memory of that being there but just ignored that. What they were wondering was when did he pick up his paperwork.

"When did he ...." Cementoss started but didn't finnish, it's been a while since he saw Deku and he needed to get back into the habit of seeing that sort of thing.

Power Loader just sighed and got back to work.

Vald King was scared really scared he just walked in and the kid from yesterday was casually crawling up the wall and he swore he didn't see that sash on the ceiling this morning.


So what you think I'm just spamming story's because I'm hella board and i'm refusing to do my h/w and assignments. 😃😅

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