the daily routine

21 1 0

Serena's POV

This guy has a mental problem. First, he traps me, then he asks me some super stupid questions and then controls and after all this torture I was left free just to break my skull. I am very proud of my life.

Ash: Before you ask me I am not gonna ask you if you're okay cause I don't care

"And I hate you for the rest of eternity" I replied

Then all of a sudden the ground started to tremble. Not gonna fall for that again," yeah you can stop it did not fall for that"

Ash: No can do

" And why is that"

" cause I am not the fell making"

Yeah I fell for that now can you stop"

" you are hopeless aren't you"

then the door literally flies right 5 millimeters away from Serena and hits the wall.

out of nowhere, a sword appears on ash's back in its sheath and a black coat as a package deal

Ash's POV

Great, a minotaur that's like the 100th minotaur I have seen and killed I thought there was supposed to be only one of these idiots.

Then I just cut its neck as if it's my daily routine and shuts the door(a new one cause the old broke and I forgot I could fix it faster than creating a new one)

Serena: Is that your daily routine or something?

"I guess although there are other creeps that try to kill me too"

Serena: umm, okay?

Serena's Pov

This is getting more complicated with every second

"Alright I'll come some other day or else I'll end up being crazy like you"

"also god how the heck do you live in such a house ur underwear is literally on the floor"

Ash: Oh yeah right uhhhhh , you didn't see that

"I did"

Ash: no


Ash: no


Ash: no


Ash: no


Ash: no


Ash: yes


Ash damn it alright fine whatever get out of my house already

yeah so ummmmmm soo I may or May not have not uploaded a new chapter for like umm 2 years I guess? cause I think I was in 7th when I started writing and now I am in 9th so hooray me for being the most laziest person on earth cause that's the only reason. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo  sorry. I promise to never promise ever again to write more and be less lazy please forgive me!

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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