The Unexpected( Part 2)

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Ash: Get in the house we have the stuff  to talk about

Serena: Like what

Ash: Trust me you are not gonna like it

NOW( Ash's POV)

We got into the house and it was dark.

Serena asked me why it was dark. Now it would not be dark even if there was no bulb switched on since it was the day time and the windows were not covered but this time I did it

I snapped my fingers and Serena flew to the wall I threw 4 balls which looked like aura spheres on her. 2 on the hands and 2 on the legs.

I walked towards her

No one's POV

Serena: (scared) Ash what are you gonna do are you abuse me or something( as if she was about to cry)

Ash: I am not that low standard

Serena: *sighs* (now calm)Then why in the world would you do this to me

Ash: for interrogation I guess but before that.

The lights came back

Serena's Pov

At first, I was scared about thinking what ash was gonna do to me but now I am much more calm but why does he wanna interrogate me 

Out of nowhere, a chair appeared behind ash and he sat on it

Ash: Now first, Who are you?

Serena: I am Serena

Ash: too straight forward I meant what kind of species are you like an alien, mutant, elf, magician or whatever

Serena: of course a human

Ash: Never mind next question, Where are you from

Serena: From vaniville town in Kalos

As kept on asking some stupid question for a whole hour which felt like an eternity. Finally, he stopped and said: you know what fuck it I will do the hard way I guess. I suddenly could no longer feel my body. ash again started asking the same questions and I unknowingly gave the same answers

Ash's POV

Serena kept on answering my question but I felt like she was lying because till now no one has been able to resist my powers so either she is lying or she herself has no idea who she really is. So I used my powers to control her mind so that I can tell if she is lying or not. And it turned to she was not so practically she did not know who she was.

I let her go and she fell on the floor right on her head. Not gonna lie, it was pretty funny.

Sorry, I said to Serena

Serena's POV

He finally let me go just so that that I could break my skull, I am starting to hate him now

I am so so so so so so sorry I haven't uploaded for like a month. I have 2 reasons for it. The reason was that I was very lazy and the second reason was my exams had started. The worst part is that it was a preparatory exam which means it was an exam for preparation for the real annual exam so I will be doing very slow uploads for the book until the stupid exams end and I promise I will upload a lot after the exams finish( hopefully I won't break this promise like the last one)

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