CHAPTER TWO- meeting my crush and his hot friends

Start from the beginning

But his eyes were his most beautiful characteristic –at least, after his face...and his muscular body-. Those pine green eyes seemed to prick under her skin, deep into her very bones. She almost felt like falling back on her knees just by looking right at those eyes. How many times had she imagined this? How many times had she wished to meet him? If this was all a dream or a consequence of her being ill...then she was going to enjoy it. She sent god a small pray in gratitude for this, because it was the most realistic dream she had ever had.

Isabella had been so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice when Rowan shouted an order to the rest of the soldiers –she had even forgotten they were not alone-. It took her too long to notice the kind of order Rowan had given them. Soon two soldiers came to her sides and grabbed her arms. Their strong hold on her made let out a fast scream she couldn't contain. Was it even possible for someone to be so strong?

He never tore his gaze away from hers.

Rowan said another order to the men at her sides –she could have sworn it sounded as a threat but she couldn't be sure- and turned around to start walking. She didn't want to follow his men but they were dragging her against her will. She wasn't even walking, her feet remained unmoved. They were so tall that they had literally scooped her up and were taking her to somewhere she did not know. She might like Rowan, but that didn't mean she had lost use of her common sense. One must never follow a man into the woods at night. Especially if you didn't know that man. Or if he wasn't real.

Isabella noticed they didn't have any horse, which could only mean that their camp was close enough for them to just walk. She remembered a fact from the books; fae could run faster than horses so they tended not to use them. Shit, did that mean she would have to support the pain from their grip for very long? She had been walking for days but she hadn't been dragged against her will to do so. And she knew she wasn't strong enough to get rid of them, even less all of them.

She knew that Rowan was fae but were the rest of the men too? She hadn't paid them enough attention to notice if they had pointy ears too but their grip on her felt...unnaturally strong. Rowan had been a general before meeting Aelin (his love interest), he had been Maeve's general; just like Lorcan. She didn't know what was happening but if she wanted to come to any conclusion, it would have to be based on what she knew about the books. If Rowan was a general –and he was, confirmed after their encounter- then the rest of the soldiers must all be fae too. Soldiers, and based on their uniforms, they were from Doranelle. Oh, she was doomed. If they were taking her to Doranelle, then it would be over. Fae didn't like mortals in their capital, and many of them thought it was funny to torture humans.

Isabella tried to recall what she knew about Rowan and ToG's world. Rowan had been known as one –if not the- most powerful fae in existence. His animal form was a white-tailed hawk. Before meeting Aelin, he had lost his "mate" and unburned child, an experience that had destroyed him. He had become cold and cruel; he was just surviving, not really living. He had been known as a very harsh and brutal teacher. There were many rumors about him, so most people feared him.

Isabella wasn't sure what was truly going on but if this was really Rowan Whitethorn, then she had to discover what time it was. She needed to know how close to the story taking place she was. If Rowan met Aelin, then she had a better chance at surviving. The only thing she was sure of was that Rowan's "mate" had already died. He had gotten his facial tattoo after her death so that meant Rowan would behave like a cruel drama bitch. Great.

If Rowan was still a general that meant that he hadn't started training Aelin yet, but that didn't mean that she had to be far away from the story developing as it should. Maybe he had already been given the order to train her and he was just in his last mission before going to look for her. That would be the best case scenario.

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