32) faladize

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The following morning, I got to Andre's bedroom to get him ready for school but was informed, that he was downstairs having breakfast with his uncle.

I went down and Liam followed me.
He saw his brother at the breakfast table.

"Bro, what's new, your early this morning and so is my son, did you get him ready for school,?".
Liam raised a question.

"Yes brother, now that everything is going well, I figured I should change,"

He picks up bread from the table and smiled

Later, Mike held his nephew down from his chair and volunteered to send him to school today.

It's really strange, that Mike is acting all nice, don't get me wrong, Mike loves his nephew, but he has never volunteered to dress him up, feed him as well and volunteer to drop him off at school.

Liam kissed his son, as mike takes him to his car parked outside.

A few hours later, I came downstairs, Liam was busy with his laptop, and I walked passed him, he grabbed my wrist and made me seat on his lap.

"Sara, where are you going,"
He grinned.

"To the kitchen Liam, I just want to take a glass of water from the fridge,"
I replied.

Liam placed his head on my chest and asked me to not go, he made me laugh as he acted like a kid.

Not quite long, a call came through the landline.
Liam grunt's
"Who calls in such bad timing,"
He takes me up.
"I don't know, I'll go find out,"
I went further and picked up the call.

I placed the phone to my ears but no one seems to be saying anything.
I looked at him.
"Liam, I don't seem to hear anything,".
I said. I complained.
"Hold on,". He comes further and collected the phone.

"Who is this, ?"
Liam asked. He looks at me.

Suddenly the countenance on his face changed.
He looked angry.
"Elena Khan," he angrily yelled. He puts the call on the loudspeaker.
"Liam baby! I want you and the nanny to come over to the Baymont cliff, okay,".
She said. She disconnects the call.
Liam looks at me.

He left the mansion in a hurry, as I followed behind.

At Baymont cliff. we saw Anders tied up next to his uncle.


I wanted to run to him.
But Elena puts out a gun to my head.

"Dear nanny, take a little step and I swear I'll kill you,?".
She declared.

Liam comes in and dragged me away
Elena saw his face and smiled.

"Hey, baby? How are you,"
She twirls the gun around.

Liam gets upset.
"Why are you doing this, Andre is your son,".
He said.
Elena laughed.
"Yes, I do know that,". She looks at me before facing Liam again, " but it is only unfortunate that he was birthed to have a devilish mom like me,".
She declared. She laughed pressing her hand on the gun.

Outraged by her words, Liam slapped her, I know Elena wouldn't just watch, Liam's action will surely bear a huge consequence.

As I presumed, she grabbed Andre up by his collar.

"Elena stop it,?"
I shouted.

She turns to me and said.
"Hmm, the nanny, who not only falls in love with her boss but is also sleeping with him too, how low can you sink Liam,"
Elena looked at him.
"Today I will end everything once and for all,".
She said. She reloads the gun.

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