2 - 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘮

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Baron Magnus takes us to a room where there are coffins are propped up along the walls. "This is the Heirs' room" he declares and guides us towards two coffins. They are made out of dark oak and are decorated with a golden 'N' in cursive on the front.

"Maria and Luciano, this is where you will be sleeping". I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I won't have to leave my brother. "The other Heirs are asleep right now. I suggest you get to sleep as soon as possible. Tomorrow will be a busy day" and without saying another word he leaves the room. Very welcoming.


Whilst I'm brushing my fangs my parents come over to talk to me. "So are you looking forward to meeting the other Heirs tomorrow, Maria?" Mother asks. I'm dreading it but I force a smile and nod.

"We're hoping you'll be able to become good friends, however we'd both appreciate it if you keep your distance from the Dracas Heirs." Father says sternly. I frown and question why. This is very unlike my parents; they usually encourage us to not make judgements of anybody until we properly know them.

Mother looks at the floor, uncomfortable, and Father says quietly, "They've betrayed us many a time. That's why choosing to come to the Elizabetha was such a difficult decision for us to make. Just please, promise us you'll be sensible." This clearly means a lot to them so I assure them and they bring me into a hug. Mother kisses my forehead and whispers "Noi ti amiamo così tanto".


I'm awaken by a Dracas shadow knocking on all of the Heirs' coffins. "Time to wake up everybody! Breakfast is being served in the dining room" I hear her call.

I step out of my coffin onto the cold wooden floor. It seems that I'm the first person awake so I tip toe over to the dressing room to change into my clothes. On the second shelf there's a basket where all of my clothes supposed to be stored.

I pull the basket down, put it on the floor and start to look through it. It's full of trousers and shirts that I would definitely never wear. "W-what these aren't mine" I mumble to myself, confused.

"Maybe because they're mine" a low voice says from behind me. I jump and turn around sharply. There's a boy standing in front of me laughing to himself from how I jumped. He's slightly taller than me, with grey eyes and dark hair.

"Oh God I'm sorry they were in my basket I don't know why..." He sits besides me and starts to sort out his clothes. "No worries, I think it just got mixed up because our names are next to each other alphabetically. I'm Malcolm by the way" he smiles warmly and puts out his hand.

I shake it and my heart sinks suddenly. "Wait... are you from the Dracas clan?" I ask worriedly. He grins at me and says "Let me guess, your parents warned you about the Dracas too?" We both laugh and he tells me that he's from the Vyrad clan of England.

We talk to each other for a while until the Dracas shadow that woke us up earlier walks into the room hurriedly. "Thank goodness at least two of you decided to get up today. I'll take you both to breakfast."

The shadow, who I later found out to be called Karen, takes us to the dining room which is filled with multiple dark oak benches and tables. I spot Raffaella in the corner serving red with another shadow.

"Good morning Maria, I see you've made a friend already" she mentions, nodding towards Malcolm who's being served by the other shadow. I smile, "Yes, his name's Malcolm and he seems really nice".

"Aw that's lovely" she replies, filling my bowl up with red. "Enjoy your breakfast darling" she says, giving me a wink as I follow Malcom over to a table in the centre of the room.

I sit across from Malcolm and he fills me in on everything he knows so far about the other clans on the Elizabetha. "So apart from our clans, the Pyras and Dracas are also on the ship" he explains. "And for some reason the elders are desperate for all the heirs to become friends".

"That's strange" I respond, "but both of our parents literally told us not to befriend any of the Dracas heirs-" I stop mid sentence as the blonde boy who I saw yesterday enters the room. His walk is confident and he holds an icy glare. Whilst making his way to get some red he gives me and Malcolm a look of disgust.

"What's his problem?" I remark. "I have no idea." Malcolm sighs. "I've been on this ship for almost a week now and none of the Dracas heirs have even acknowledged my existence". I look at Malcolm with sympathy. "No please don't feel sorry for me!" he laughs. "It doesn't bother me at all and I think I'd like to keep it that way. Lars is just a son of a bitc-"

Before Malcolm can finish his sentence the Dracas boy walks past our table and snaps, "Keep my name out of your mouth, Vyrad". I turn to say something back but he's already left the room. "Hmm yeah he's such a sweetheart" Malcolm jokes, rolling his eyes.

I can tell that keeping to what my parents said about staying away from the Dracas Heirs won't be difficult.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! I loved writing it because honestly, I love Malcolm. I feel like in the show he was really misunderstood and he had so much character development in season 2 <3

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