Start from the beginning

"Yes, he is, and also Mummy, I want water," she replied, her lips forming a pout.

"Are you done dancing already?" I asked, handing her the water bottle.

"I'm tired," she replied, taking the bottle and sitting down to drink. I glanced at Ibty and noticed a hint of sadness in her expression as she looked at Afeena.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"I'm just really going to miss my little angels," she sighed.

"We'll miss you too, Aunty Ibty. Mummy and I will come to visit you," Noorie chimed in.

"Yes, of course you will. In shaa Allah," she replied, placing a soft kiss on Noorie's cheeks.

I smiled, my heart melting at their bond. When Noorie finished her water, she went back to her siblings, and I continued my conversation with Ibteesam, while Afeen began to doze off in my arms. As night approached, Abubakar came to pick us up, and we headed home together.


When we returned home, I didn't say a word to him, and he remained silent too, even during the car ride back. He followed me to the room, finally breaking the silence by asking about the wedding.

"It was fine, Alhamdulillah," I replied tersely.

"Asmau, I'm sorr--" he began, but I cut him off.

"Please, don't waste your words apologizing to me. I need to freshen up now," I said, brushing past him towards the dresser.

"Please Asmau, listen to me," he pleaded as he followed me. "Iman was seriously sick, and she called me because she really needed my help at the moment."

"Ooh, have you turned into a doctor now?" I retorted sarcastically. "Couldn't she have called her mother for help? Why is it that you were the first person she thought of? Answer me, Abubakar! Please, I want to know. I'll even sit down so you can explain to me better," I said, sitting at the edge of the bed with folded arms, my anger surfacing.

"I don't know, Asmau. Maybe I was the only person she thought of," he replied.

"Don't worry; I'll give you your answer. That woman just lied so you could be with her. I'm pretty sure she wasn't really sick; she just wanted you with her. And you just ran to help her like that? You just went to her and then ditched me. I waited for you. I refused to go with my friends, Abubakar, just because I was waiting for you. But then you ditched me for that woman!" I yelled, my voice laced with anger and hurt.

"I didn't ditch you, Asmau. She needed my help and as the mother of my three kids, I couldn't leave her like that," he pleaded.

"Ooh, really? Wow, just wow!" I exclaimed in frustration. "You should be given an award for the best in caring for his exes. People were asking me where you were at the wedding, and I actually should have said that you were there taking care of your ex-wife, since it makes sense to you, right? Abubakar, what you did was so unfair, so unfair!"

"Asmau, you're making this a big deal. You're blinded by jealousy,"

"It's not jealousy because I have every right to be angry. Anyone in my shoes would be angry because of this. You're making that woman your priority, and I don't like that. She's not your responsibility," I retorted, frustration and hurt evident in my voice.

"Asmau, you're just tired. Freshen up and let's sleep," he tried to calm me, reaching out to hold my hands, but I pulled away.

"Let go of me! You always try to change the subject, and I'm seriously angry with you this time! Why would you do that to me? You disgraced me. I feel like you're choosing your ex-wife over me."

"Don't say that, of course not," he sighed.

"Then what?! Answer me! Come on, don't be a coward, answer me!" I snapped, pushing him back angrily.

He grabbed my arms, getting frustrated as well. "Asmau, will you stop doing this?! Stop arguing with me! This is so foolish. You never understand; you're always blinded by jealousy for Iman, and I'm getting sick and tired of it. What is wrong with you? You always want us to be arguing every single time. Damn it, I'm tired of it!" he spat.

"You're yelling at me because I'm speaking the truth. Okay, then, just go. Leave me alone," I retorted, my voice quivering with anger and hurt as I tried to walk away. However, Abubakar's grip on my arm held me firmly in place.

"Asmau, please," he began, his voice held with frustration.

I glared up at him my eyes fiery with emotion, and said, "Let go of me."

"I won't. Just calm down,"

"Abubakar, let go of me and leave this room, please!" I snapped, my eyes filled with unshed tears.

"Is that what you really want?" he asked in a low tone. I nodded firmly, not backing down. He didn't say anything else. With a heavy sigh and a last searching look at me, he reluctantly released my arm and stormed out of the room angrily.

"Ya Allah," I whispered as tears finally spilled from my eyes.

"Mummy," I turned around to find Safeeya standing in the doorway, looking worried.

"Safeeya." I whispered, wiping by tears so she wouldn't notice.

"What happened?" She asked, her voice gentle.

"Nothing dear," I replied,

"I heard you both shouting. Did you fight with Daddy? You guys were arguing, right? And I know Ammi is the cause of it," she said.

"No, Safeeya, we weren't arguing. Just go to your room. I'll freshen up, then come out,"

"But Mum-"

"Please, Safeeya," I interrupted gently, needing a moment to collect my thoughts.

"Okay," she said, as she walked out silently, leaving me alone with my thoughts of our heated exchange.

Edited version

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