"About 20" I hesitated at first but I paid in galleons which I turned in to muggle money in back of the Muggle as George distracted him.

"Thank you!" Me and the twins exited the store. "Freddie wait" I said pulling back. "I'll be in the bathroom, be right back" George said. "Here" I handed Fred the small box where the chain was. "Wait no, you can't give this to me" Fred said.

"Yes I can" I pulled up my sleeve revealing the bracelet he gave me the day of Cup. "But this is way more expensive than the bracelet" He said eyeing down the chain. "Please take it" I said with a smile. He sights and puts on the small chain and tugs it on the inside of his shirt.

"Thank you love" He kissed my forehead and took my hand as we waited for George. I noticed that the girls I saw earlier where following us. We went to many stores and met up with the trio that had a few bags next to them at the cafeteria.

"So, how do you like it?" Hermione asked as she patted the seat next to her. "Its brilliant" I said. "What happened to you?" Fred asked his little brother who had a bottle of frozen water next to his ear. "Harry dared me to get an earing, It didn't go well" Ron closed his eyes in pain.

"It was hilarious" Harry said in between laughs. We went to get our food and soon we were eating. "Did you tell her yet?" Harry asked the twins. "Tell me what?" I raised an eyebrow. "Really Harry?" George rolled his eyes.

"I gave them the winning money form the tournament to Fred and George for their shop" Harry smiled. "That's great!" I said as I hugged Harry. "What did you do with yours?" George asked smirking knowing damn well what I used it on.

I used it on weed and alcohol for me and the twins, and materials for prank products. I saved a bit for the promise ring I've been doing at the middle of the night. "School" I smiled. George and Fred snickered.

The girls that have been following the twins and I sat across from us. I rolled my eyes and kept on talking with the twins. I caught a strawberry blonde girl with blue eyes smirking at Fred but he wasn't even looking at her. Fred was smiling at me.

Soon a brunett girl came and "accidentally" spilled her drink on me. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!" She said as she walked away laughing. "For fucks sake" I said taking off hoodie leaving me on a tank top that revealed my dad's Azkaban number carved into my skin.

Fred mentioned it made me prettier but it was an Azkaban number how would It make me pretty. I saw the girls dart their eyes on the number and started laughing. "Here love" Fred took off his crewneck and handed it to me.

"Thank you Freddie" I smiled as I put it on. He kissed my lips making all the girls turn away. "Dumb muggles" He whispered in to my ears. "Tell me about it" I chuckled.


Molly ran to us with open arms. "I'm so gald your back dears and is late!" She put her hands on her hips. Sirius came from behind her "You all have to go back to Hogwarts tomorrow so.. chop! chop! off to bed". We said our good nights and walked upstairs.

Beofre Fred could follow George in to his room I pulled him in to mines. "Wait, love" He chuckled "I have to get mines too" I laughed and nodded. I grabbed the ring and hold it tightly. I hear someone knocking on the door. "Come in" Fred came in with something in the back of his hands.

"Get up" Fred smiled. And I did as I was told. "Now" He pecked my lips "Close your eyes". A few seconds go by and he says "Open your eyes" I open my eyes and I see him kneeling on one knee.

"Oh Fred" I chuckle. He gets up and grabs my hands. "You know how your always telling me that I'm leaving you in your dreams" He said with a frown. "Well is not like that-" I said."That I die" He looks down.

Just the Two of Us (Fred Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now