Just a bit

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Y/N: your name

Heyyyyy! I had a busy day sorryyyy. I'm posting again in a bit. Also I'm shifting today, so If you shift as well, you will shift. I love you all and thank you for 4k reads it means a lot! <33

"Pettigrew is alive! And he is right there!" Sirius pointed at Ron's rat with his wand. Scabbers? "Me?! He's mental!" Ron yelled. "Not you!" Remus said and Sirius finishes the sentence "Your rat!". Everyone eyed my father and uncle like if they were mental. "Scabbers? he has been in my family for-" Ron was cut off by Sirius "Twelve years?" he said with an attitude.

"Curious long life for a common garden rat" He walked closer to the young red head "He is missing a toe, isn't he?". "So what?" Ron replied. And then, everything clicked. "All they could find of Pettigrew was his-" Harry spoke up but I cut him off "Finger!" I said. 

"Dirty coward cut it off, so everyone would think he was dead!" Sirius was now really close to George, Ron and Lee "And then he transformed into a rat". "Show me" Harry said. Sirius scoffed and grabbed the small rat on Ron's hands. Ron would let go of the poor animal shrieking on his hands. "Give it to him, Ron" Fred said, he grabbed my hand one more time. 

"What are you trying to do him?" Ron wouldn't let go off his rat, but Sirius being stronger than him snatched it off "Scabbers!". The rat moved impatiently, trying to get out of the mans grasp. George and Lee grabbed the younger boy as he yelled for his rat "Leave him alone! Get off him! What are you doing?". "Quiet down Ron" George tried to calm his brother down. 

Remus and Sirius pointed at the rat with their wand and set it on the dusty piano. The rat ran across it and the two men running after it, shooting non-verbal spells at it. The rat ran into a small hole but Sirius had hit it with a spell and it transformed into a man. Remus and Sirius pulled him out and everyone was in shock. 

The man already looked like a rat. He was dusty and rather disgusting. I covered my mouth in disgust seeing the gross looking man. He snored just like a rat and we saw how the man actually looked like a rat. He had blue eyes and really long matted blonde hair. His nails long and dirty, his two front teeth long, just like a rats. He looked awful. 

The thought of that on my fourth year I had to take care of Scabbers for a week and that he slept in the same room as me disgusted me. "Remus?" The man looked up and his eyes lit up "Sirius. My old friends" the dusty man ran to the door but Sirius and Remus threw him back. The man quivered in fear. 

He turned to me and Harry and opened his eyes wide. "Harry! Look at you. You look so much like your father. Like James" He then turned to me "Oh my dearest Y/n, you're jus like your mother. You are also so much like Sirius. I remember your mother, Ch-" The man talked to me now but Sirius got in front of us. Was he about to say her name?

"How dare you speak to my daughter and Harry" Peter ran behind the piano and Remus and Sirius followed "How dare you talk to them about James and" Sirius hesitated "And Her!". "You sold, Lilly and James to Voldemort!" Remus pointed his wand at Peter.

 "I didn't mean to!"  he cried "The Dark Lord. You have no idea the weapons he posses. Ask yourself Sirius! what would you have done ?" Sirius's family were all Voldemort's followers but I know for a fact Sirius refused, and being the only Gryffindor in a Slytherins house, he had a tough time. I know he doesn't have the dark mark on him. I know it. 

Sirius looked in disbelief "I would of died, I would died! than betray my friends!" Peter ran under the piano trying to escape but me and Harry ran into the door not making way through. Sirius's and Fred's eyes opened wide seeing me. Peter ran towards us and wrapped his arms around us "Harry, Y/n your parents and your mom wouldn't have wanted me killed...They would've shown mercy upon me!" He yelled as Remus and Sirius took him back. 

Just the Two of Us (Fred Weasley x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat