"Your Lover Boy"

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Y/N: your name
So I saw how all of you liked the chapter "Flower Pins" and I'm so glad! I will be posting more parts were George and Y/n are a getting a bit more closer and closer since they were kids. Thank you all sending love <333

Fred and I walk out the crowded common room. I laugh. "Why are you laughing?" He asks smiling. "I don't know actually" I laughed again making him laugh. We were so drunk. "Wait, if we are drunk we can't drive" He said, almost falling down. "Drive? We aren't going to drive" I said confusedly.

"The broom" He looked at me. "You mean fly?" He nods "Nothing bad will happen". After a few more steps we go to the quidditch field and the moon looks beautiful as ever. "I'll go get the brooms, wait for me over there" He points at the middle of field and I do so.

I lay down in the grass and feel flowers grow around me. I chuckle as I see the red and pink folwers form around my hands. "Well, why is there a flower angel?" Fred comes back looking at my figure shaped in flowers. Flowers grow around his shoes.

"This is odd" I say as more flowers grown around my legs. Fred puts down the brooms on the grass and sits by me. "Well hello there" I say as he lays his head on my lap. "Hey!" He smiles. Blue flowers grow around us. "Fred?" I ask him looking at the stars. "Hmm?" He hums in response.

"Do you think she is somewhere?" I ask again, my eyes still looking at this one constelation, with the brightest star. Siriu's star the one he was named after, the dog star. "Who?" He got up and turned to see me. "My mom" I say with out any care "why doesn't she want me? Was I not enough?" I feel my eyes burn.

"Hey, don't say that" He cups my cheeks "She lost one beautiful, loyal, amazing and smart daughter, you are more than enough". I smile at his words. Fred made me feel better by telling some jokes and some crazy ideas he had for products. "Do you have any ideas?" He aks, I nod. "I think you should make this nougat that makes your head hurt or your nose bleed" His eyes lit up "That's a great idea, how didn't I think of that?!". I chuckle.

A few minutes go by again and the silence got heavier and heavier. "Y/n?" I hum in response "Did you made out with me because you were drunk or you wanted to?". I didn't say nothing for a few minutes and he sighted. He slowly got up and walked a bit away. "Wait Fred!" I ran behind him. The boy was stall making 3 steps of his, were 5 steps for me.

"Fred! Why are you so upset about it anyways?!" I yell from behind him. He snaps and turns around "Because I didn't kiss you just because I was drunk, I meant it!" He says loudly and I could see his eyes were red. "Fred" I whisper as I lift my hand up to his cheek. He moves his head away before I even touch his face, and turns away.

I run back to the field and lay down in the grass as I quietly cry. How could I be such an asshole? I didn't just kiss him because I was drunk, I've always wanted to do that. Hell we've kissed before. I stay outside and I felt mad and sad. "Where is that damn broom" I wipe my tears away with the end of my sleeve and start looking for my broom.

I finally find it and I see that Fred took his own inside. I take mines inside with me for tomorrow. I walk in the girls changing room and see Angelina sitting there trying to look all pretty. My sight quivered "What do you want now?". "I saw you made Fred upset" She stands up. "I didn-" Before I can say something she slaps me right across the face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yell at her as I hold my cheek.

"No one hurts Freddie!" She yells. "Okay, I have had enough with your "Freddie this Freddie that" He doesn't like you! If he liked you he wouldn't have made out with me! Yes, Angie your "Lover boy" was making out with me,and guess what we were barely clothed. If my cousin didn't walk in your "Freddie" wouldn't be a virgin anymore, because he would of lost it to me!" I yell at her and I feel myself smirking. She looked emotionless, like she didn't care. And with a blink of and eye she punches me right in the nose. "You are a whore!"

My head turns and I felt this sharp pain on my nose. I wiped the blood of it and I could feel it still bleeding. I scoff "You want to play dirty, we will play dirty Johnson" I punch her in the face hitting her multiple times. After a while of me and her just absolutely beating the leaving shit out of each other someone walks in.

"Hey Y/n, I saw Fred walk to the common room alone so I knew you would be in he-" A boy said and stood there in shock "Y/n!". That boy was George. He ran towards Angelina and me and pulled her away from me. He pushed herinto the lockers and looked at her "Are you fucking insane?!" He tapped his head softly but making it look aggressive "What are you doing?!".

He pushed Angelina out the girls changing room leaving him and I there. I tried to get up but I couln't. "Oh Merlin" He closed the door and ran over to me. My hair was all over my my face so he took out two pins out of his hair and placed them on my front pieces of hair making them stick to my head.

Angelina had a busted lip, a black eye, a few bruises, a bloody nose, maybe a broken wrist, and her eyes were red, She left the room crying and limping. For me, my mouth was busted, it was bleeding a lot and so was my left eyebrow, I had a small bruises on my cheek bones and my nose was broken. "George?" My voice asked tiredly. "Yes, I'm here" He placed me on a bench with a towel under my head.

"I'm going to get Fred and Lee okay?" He says softly and I nod with a small smile. My legs were so tired I couldn't move. At least Angelina knows I'm not scared of her. She left this room more fucked up than I did.

I stay there, my nose aching and the metal taste of blood in my mouth is driving me mental. "She's in here no, Lee you idiot, there" I here a boy say from outside the changing rooms. "Y/N!" Lee burst in and runs over to me. I had a blurry vision but I could see the twins behind him. "Lord, Look at her mouth" Lee exclaimed looking back at the twins.

"What happened?" Fred said running to my side. "I found her and Angelina beating each other to death" George said nervously. "We need to take her to the common room" Lee said. "The common room? She looks too tired" George said as he helped me sit up. "What did she do?" Lee asks as he hands Fred a damp towel.

Fred takes my hands and wipes the tiny dry blood dots on them "Why don't you two go to the common room and ask Hermione for an Emergency Kit under Y/n's bed" How did he remember it was there? "And get some water please" Lee and George get up and leave me and Fred alone.

"You remembered?" I look up from my hands to see Fred concentrated on cleaning my hands. "What?" He asked still not looking away. "The Emergency Kit" I feel myself smiling. "Oh yeah" He fianlly looks up and faces me, he frowns "What did you two do?".

I sight "It doesn't matter anymore" I take the damp towel and start lifting it up to my face. "It does" He takes the towel away from me and lifts it up to the corners of my mouth. I flinch at the the sharp pressure. It didn't hurt to talk just when you touched the parts I felt pressure on.

"I'm sorry" He wipes away some blood off with his thumb. "It's cute when you worry about me" I winked at him and flashed him a smile. He smiled brightly remembering when he fell and said the same thing. "Oh shut up" He wiped softly now. "Do you really want to know?" I asked.

"If you are comfortable with telling me then yes" He said. "When you left I stayed out for a bit" I told him the whole story. On how Angelina was waiting for me in the changing room and how she hit me first. "Dear Merlin" He wrapped me around his arms and combed my hair with his fingers.

"I should've stayed, Its my fault" He sighted in sat up and I cupped his cheeks. "Don't say that, is not your fault Freddie" I caress his face. "I'm sorry for yelling at you" He lened his face closer to my hand and layed his on top of mines. "It's okay, I would've reacted the same way. And I didn't kiss you because I was just drunk" I smiled.

I leaned over and kissed him. I felt him smile throught the kiss. He cupped the bottom of my jaw, My lips hurted but I ignored it. "I kissed you because I wanted to" We pull away and he still had his eyes closed with a smile. "You okay?" I chuckled still looking at the boy who had his eyes closed.

He open his eyes slowly and whispers "I'm doing Great". I chuckle and peck his lips again "Even better now". "We are here" Lee bursts in again and gives me the water bottle George brought. They rub some cream on the bruises and Lee gets up. "What was that spell again?" He walks back and foward.

George sights "Episkey" he points at my nose with his wand. With a single crack my nose was back together, "Wow" I say as I look at my nose in the mirror. I catch Fred smiling from the reflection. "What are you so happy about?" George asks Fred "Nothing". "Sure" Lee says looking at me. 

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