The First Task

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Y/N: your name

A few days have passed and people kept giving me and Harry  dirty  looks. "How are you today Harry?" I say to the boy as we walk throught the halls. Before he gets to say something people show us bewitched badges with "Cedric diggory" With Cedric's face on it. 

Then it turned green with mines and Harry's face with the words "Cheater's stink". A young boy runs past "Cedric Rules!". "Thanks" Me and Harry say. We go over to the door way but a group of Hufflepuff kids were on the way. "Like the badge?"  boy show us the badge off his robes. 

"Excuse us" I say but they laugh. I push past them and roll my eyes as we go over to Cedric. We approach Cedric who is standing around with his friends. Cedric's friends hurl off more insults. "Can we have a word?" Harry says. "Alright" Cedrics tell his friends to quiet down but when they see me they wolf whistle. 

We walk away form them leaving us alone. "Dragons. That's the first task. They've got one for each of us" Harry looks at me then back at Cedric. His eyes go wide. "Are you serious? And Fleur and Krum, do they...?" He says amused. 

"Yes" I says trying to not make eye contanct with the boy. I had gotten about 7 more letter from him or so I think it was him. Thankfuly Fred was completely clueless. Cedric had noticed my strange behavior. "Right. Hey listen, about the badges. I've asked them not to wear them" He looks down at me. 

Harry noticed I was acting uneasy."Don't worry about it" He says for me and we walk away. "You okay?" Asks Harry. "Fine" I repond shortly. Ron and Seamus are walking along talking and laughing. Harry approaches them. 

"You're a right foul git you know that?"Harry talked directly to Ron. "You think so?" Ron says with a stern tone. "I know so" Harry says with a shaky breath. "Anything else?" Ron asked and shot me a glare. "Yeah. Stay away from me." Harry looks at the boy. Ron throws a cold 'Fine'and leaves with Seamus by his side. 

"Why so tense Potter?" I hear Draco call out. I close my eyes begging from him not to say nothing else. "My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last FIVE." He chuckles and gets down the tree he was on top of. 

"I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic" Harry starts to walk away. "Pathetic?" Draco takes out his wand. "Draco, knock it off" He points his wand at Harry. 

Mad-Eye appears and quickly turns Malfoy into a ferret. My eyes turned wide. People started to gather around as Mad-Eye levitated Malfoy up and down. "I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned" Mad-Eye keeps bouncing him up and down. Proffessor McGonnagall comes in running "Professor Moody what are you doing?". 

"Teaching." The man said shortly. A crowd started to form. Fred comes from behind me and pulls me out of the scene to an empty corner. "Hello love" He kisses my lips gently. "Hey Freddie" I smile at him. "Are you nevous?" He snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. "For?" I raise my eyebrows. 

"The first task, darling is in two days" He says. "Oh right" I had completely forgotten about the task. "Everything will be alright" Fred kisses my forehead. "Let's hope so" I say in a worried tone. 


These past few days had been stressing me out. I had been told I could use a wand for the tournament and there I was pacing back and foward in the tent hearing people cheer. Then someone pulled be out by the back of the tent. 

"How are you feeling? OK?" George said. "The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to..." Fred continues. "Battle a dragon" I say in fear with a gulp. The both look at each other and wrap their arms around me. "Please be okay" They say in unison. 

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