They both died as heroes. Sebastian was determined to make sure their deaths weren't in vain.

His hands curled into fists at his side. He clenched his jaw as he struggled to keep the anger bubbling within him from exploding outwardly.

Too many lives had been taken by his father and the Order. Too many. He wasn't sure how many more he could take.

Sniffling, Siren wiped her nose and continued speaking. "My father once told me about how the councilmembers would contact the magician community with important messages. The council room can reach most magicians in the world."

Olivier stroked his beard as he nodded slowly. "Ah, yes. You are correct. The palace does have that capability."

"We were thinking about sending a message to the Solairs and other Eldairs around the world," Remy added. "Sort of like a call to arms."

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt." Olivier paused for a moment. "I'll have to draft up a speech. If we want any chance of bringing more people to our side, we'll have to be convincing."

Sebastian nodded. He was right. Their message to the Solairs would not only have to be convincing, but it would have to provide a clear path of action and further incentive for them to join what appeared to be the losing side.

Because they currently were the losing side.

The Order grew in power and size every day. With the acquisition of another Eldenarian Artifact in Chieftain Naidini's animagi amulet, he would only get stronger. If Sebastian was a Solair, he would have stayed as far away from the war as possible. But, as Imogen said, they needed their help. Desperately.

He just hoped they would come.

"Go get some breakfast. I hear they're serving French toast," Olivier told the group of young magicians. "I'll let you know when I've finished my speech."

"French toast? Say no more!" Remy spun on his heel and bolted for the walls of the Eldenarian Palace.

They all laughed as they watched him nearly trip over the unruly grass as he made his back inside the city's barrier. Sebastian smiled. While Remy could be annoying and a know-it-all at times, he was grateful for the boy's presence. He was a beacon of light in these dark times. They all would be much worse off without him.

As Sebastian, Ajax, and Siren turned to leave, Imogen tapped Olivier, who had started working on the massive shield charm again.

"Yes, Imogen?"

"Er, I was actually thinking I could give the speech."

Everyone turned to look at her, eyes wide. Sebastian blinked, not quite sure if he heard her right. Olivier lifted both brows at her. A slightly bemused expression had surfaced on his face.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I want to give the speech to the Solairs."

"And why would you want to do that?"

Imogen stood tall and pressed her lips into a thin, tight line. "I think I'll be able to get the message across better than you can. No disrespect intended, but I don't think they'll take too kindly to an Eldair asking them to potentially sacrifice their lives."

Sebastian glanced at Siren and Ajax. Both of them looked just as gobsmacked as he was.

Chuckling, Olivier approached the bold Ordinaire. She didn't shrink under his cold gaze, though. Instead, she lifted her chin and folded her arms.

"What makes you think the message will sound any better coming from you?" he inquired. "You're an Ordinaire. A non-magician. The Solairs would despise you more than they despise."

The Storm Tower | Vol.4, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now