"Please" I scoffed, "Like I would bow down to some random anonymous werewolf alpha"

The boys eyed my amused glance before Stiles passed Scott the intercom speaker, he cleared his throat before letting out a sound equivalent to that of cats fighting. I tried my best to contain myself, feeling the overwhelming urge to burst into laughter at the attempt.

"That was a howl right?"

"I mean technically-"

"Well what did it sound like to you?" The young wolf turned to me as I raised my arms up in defense. "Like a cat being choked to death Scott" I answered honestly.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? I-"

"Cmon Scott, be a werewolf not a teen wolf. Howl, you got it. Unless you're really gonna make me have to do it for you."

"He took a deep breath before belting out an entirely animalistic noise. Now that was a howl. The pair of boys shared a look of glee as we returned to Derek outside, there was no doubt he heard it, the whole town probably heard it.

"I'm going to kill all three of you!"

"Cmon don't be such a sour wolf" I argued recieving a harsh glare that had 'shut up' written all over it. "What did you do with Scott's boss anyway?"

"What?" he turned, panic etching across his features as he stared at the empty seat of the car. Oh this was not good.

"I didn't do anything-" before the man could finish, a claw reached into his chest, lifting him from the ground as crimson blood began to spew from his mouth. The culprit stood behind him releasing a low growl. The alpha.

"Inside! Now!" I ordered, the boys hesitating before complying, I followed shortly behind. I watched the beast throw Derek's limp body against a wall as the boys frantically slammed the double doors closed, scanning around for anything they thought could serve as a lock.

"Stiles. No. Don't." Scott warned as he eyed the pair of bolt clippers from earlier that had somehow wound up on the floor. But before he could think about it, Stiles opened the door, creeping out towards the yellow tool, there wasn't time to stop him.

The coast seemed clear, although it was obvious the alpha remained nearby, Stiles was now a few paces from the door. My heart beat quickened, insanely aware of the danger he faced as he reached forward. As if on cue, the beast began to emerge from behind the jeep. My heart sank as its eyes feasted on the boy, I couldn't leave him there, not now.

I opened the door reaching my hand out. Scott was beside me, desperately calling for Stiles to return, his eyes no doubt filled with pure terror. "Circulus Ignis tempus" I uttered, a ring of fire encasing the beast, haulting him from his advances.

Stiles sprinted towards us, grabbing my hand as I dragged him inside. He immediately hung the bolt cutters over the door handles to strenghten the barrier, although we all knew it was temporary. Much like the spell I had just performed, the roaring fire already dimming.

"That's not going to hold, we gotta move. And Stiles for the love of God do not scare me like that again." I ranted, my hand had seperated from his moments before. We ran into a class room as I spelled the door shut, the boys moving the desk towards it to serve as extra security of course.

"It's your boss. Deaton, the alpha? Scott it's your boss." Stiles started as the pair began to bicker. In all fairness, I knew where he had gotten the idea. Derek was attacked moments after Deaton disappeared, he knew a suspicious amount about 'animal attacks' and was never present when the alpha had previously attacked. It kinda made some sense, although I was not thoroughly convinced in the slightest.

Divine Serendipity • Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now