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Over the course of the next 2 weeks, Yeosang had chosen to work from home, it was one of the perks as a photographer even though he has a little studio in the company

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Over the course of the next 2 weeks, Yeosang had chosen to work from home, it was one of the perks as a photographer even though he has a little studio in the company. 

He chose to stay home since he wasn't doing much, mostly just touch ups, getting on-call with the creative director from time to time so he can send in the photos and he waits for the critique in regards to the tone of the photos.

He didn't leave his apartment since he threw himself into his work and it resulted in Mingi and Yunho coming over, claiming that he's been working so hard and even joking about how they wanted to make sure that he's still alive, with Yeosang being so young, it was somewhat expected that he'd be a little bit of a workaholic.

But he ended up taking a break that Friday night, they ended up cooking dinner together and afterwards as the night progressed, they had some drinks, thanks to Yeosang hidden stash of tequila in one of the cupboards.

The couple took it as the time where they can have some sort of talk about the type of relationship he has with Seonghwa, trying to talk some sense into him because he might actually listen because they heard of what happened during the photoshoot. 

Yeosang listens intently, maybe he was starting to see the picture of how unhealthy it was, coming from the perspective of a couple who has been together for years.

But as the night progressed, the drinks Yeosang downed just kept on coming so he could numb the emotions he was feeling and the brunette staggered to the bathroom, spewing out everything.

Thankfully, Yunho was there to take care of him, the actor pressing a cold towel over his temples to soothe him, combing his hair back whenever he had to vomit. 

His emotions were just all over the place prior to that, one minute he was giggling alongside Mingi, sharing shots and the next thing he was crying his eyes out over how he could never compete with the likes of Kim Hongjoong.

Yunho felt extremely saddened when he saw just how broken Yeosang is, his eyes were bloodshot red, cheeks puffy as tears streamed down them.

He kept clinging to Mingi like an abandoned kitten and the model just strokes his hair, trying to make him feel better by telling him that he's beautiful in his own way and does not need to compare himself to Hongjoong.

The actor got a more clear picture of why Mingi will drop everything he's doing just to be of aid to Yeosang.

That night, Yunho opts that Mingi should stay the night at Yeosang's, just so he can have someone to look after him because Yeosang was so out of it, his eyes were practically rolling to the back of his head and if Yeosang was honest about it the morning after, he would say that it was one of the worst experiences he had with alcohol.

Once again he was very apologetic towards Mingi and Yunho after that night, but the couple assures him that it's very much okay and he thanks them for being able to talk with him. 

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