"Why are you suddenly mad at me?" Fred asked.

Natela once again ignored him and continued eating her fudge.

George and I looked at each other and shrugged both of our shoulders. George then stood up and helped me do the same from my seat.

"Where are you going guys?" Natela asked.

"Ahmm? Goodnight?" I told her shrugging my shoulders.

"Don't leave" she said. I looked at Fred who's now clenching his jaw looking at the floor.

I think they need to talk privately.

"Remember the switch Nat? And you both need to talk" I told her pulling George to the door. I didn't wait what Nat will say and just stepped out of the room and shouted 'Ciao!'.

"What the hell just happened?" George asked as we walk to their room.

"I don't know?" I replied.

It didn't took us too long to reach their dorm from ours. Right when we step inside their room, I ran fast towards George's bed and laid myself comfortably.

I missed his bed so much.

His pillows

His blanket

His scent.. Everything

"Can I borrow some of your shirt George? I forgot to bring mine" I told him closing my eyes.

"Yeah sure" he replied.

A minute later, George came back and threw a shirt and a boxer shorts beside me.

"That's the smallest shirt I have" he said and sat beside me.

"No it's fine" I told him as I stood up and walked straight to the bathroom.

It took almost an hour before I finished taking a bath. I really enjoyed the warm water they have so I didn't notice the time I've spent inside.
As soon as I stepped inside the room, I immediately saw George frowning with his knitted brows.

"Why?" I asked him while drying my hair using his towel.

"What took you so long?" he asked.

"I just enjoyed the water too much" I answered as I sat beside him on his bed. That's when I realized George already took a bath.

"Where did you shower?" I asked him. George said he took a shower on Ronald and Harry's shower room while I took a bath.

George and I just laid on his bed enjoying the silence and the breeze that was entering the window that we left open.



"Don't leave me please" George said. I sat down and looked at him just to see his eyes closed.

"Why would I leave you?" I asked him and touched his hand.

"Nothing. I just--" he said and sighed.

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