Chapter 10: Scared

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The months went by in a flash; Harry and Hermione had been busy trying to get Slughorn to give up the actual memory. To their dismay, they hadn't succeeded. The pair hadn't seen much of Ron either; he was busy studying, he needed to catch up on a lot of work if he wanted to pass next year, and now that he was with Luna, she was the one to help him, instead of Hermione.

Harry and Hermione were sat in the common room, cuddled up to each other when Harry suddenly shot up.

"I've got it!" Harry shouted, startling Hermione.

"What?" Hermione said, angry that Harry, her pillow, had moved.

"Liquid Luck, what if I use that and then go and see Slughorn? Maybe that will help?" He said, eyes widening.

"That could work, actually; I suppose there's no harm in trying," Hermione replied.

"Well, we'd need a plan," Harry said, raising an eyebrow.

"Just go and speak to Slughorn, then the Liquid Luck should do the rest. There's not much more to it," Hermione chuckled, surprised that Harry even thought of making a plan.

"Alright, let's do it," Harry said, getting up to retrieve the vial.

"You ready?" Hermione said, giving him a quick kiss.

"Yeah, Merlin, I hope this works," Harry said, drinking the contents of the vial.

"How do you feel?" Hermione questioned.

"Excellent 'Mione, truly excellent," Harry said, jumping to his feet.

"Remember, all you have to do is find Slughorn and speak to him; he usually eats early," Hermione said, mirroring Harry by getting to her feet.

"Right, I'm going down to Hagrid's," Harry said, making his way to the door.

"What? Harry, no, you've got to speak to Slughorn!" Hermione said, bewildered at Harry's behavior. "We have a plan!" She shouted.

"I know, I know, but I feel like Hagrid's is the place to be tonight, know what I mean?" Harry said as if it was apparent why he was going there.

"No," Hermione replied.

"Well, trust me, I know what I'm doing; I'll be back later, with the memory, I love you," Harry said, kissing Hermione before skipping out of the common room, shouting hello to everyone he passed. Hermione shook her head at this. It was worth a try. Maybe he will come back with the memory, she sighed and sat down with a book; she hated being without Harry, she wasn't clingy or anything, she just felt like he completed her, and that was partly true, especially with their new powers.

Harry was making his way out of the castle, goofily smiling as he walked, when he noticed Professor Slughorn, looking rather suspicious, hanging through one of the windows in Professor Sprout's greenhouse. He made his way over to him and stood next to him.

"Merlins Beard Harry!" Slughorn shouted, jumping out of his skin when he noticed Harry.

"I'm terribly sorry, Sir, I should have announced myself, coughed, or something," Harry smiled as he started to walk away.

"Just how exactly did you get out of the castle?" Slughorn questioned.

"Went through the front door, I'm off to Hagrid's, he's a dear friend to me, and I thought I'd pay him a visit, so if you don't mind, I'll be off now," Harry said, yet again turning away.

"Harry!" Slughorn said in a shocked tone.

"Sir!" Harry replied, rather nonchalantly.

"It's almost nightfall; surely you realise I can't let you roam around outside the castle by yourself!" Slughorn said, wondering what had gotten into Harry.

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