Chapter 2: Potions

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Harry woke up earlier than usual, with a smile still plastered on his face, as he woke up, memories of last night came flooding back to him, which only made his smile grow even more. He had flirted with Hermione, and she had been okay with it! Harry couldn't ponder on this thought much longer as Ron woke up with a start.

"Mornin' Ron!" Harry said happily

"What're you so happy about?" Ron questioned, as it was strange to see Harry happy at 6:30 AM.

"Oh, nothing, just, happy" Harry said, his smile slowly fading, he knew Ron wouldn't like it if he found out that he and Hermione had spent some time without him.

"Alright then, I'm going to go back to bed, we have a free period this morning and I do not want to waste it!" Ron said, head hitting the pillow like a sack of potatoes. Harry couldn't get back to sleep, so he decided to go down to the common room. He was halfway down the stairs when he noticed Hermione, sat on the couch reading a book.

"Typical" He whispered to himself with a chuckle. As he approached the couch, he noticed what Hermione was reading, Quidditch through the ages. Now, this was strange because Hermione never really took interest in quidditch, she just went to support Harry, maybe she wanted to learn a bit more about the sport?

"Morning 'Mione!" Harry said, jumping over the couch as he did.

"Merlin Harry, You could have given me a heart attack!" Hermione said, trying to sound mad, of course, she didn't sound mad, because she was speaking to Harry, and she could never be mad at him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. So, why are you reading a book about quidditch?" Harry questioned, as Hermione wasn't one to waste her time on books she was not interested in.

"Oh, well I just thought you've been playing it for all these years and I still don't really know what goes on in the game, I just go to support you" Hermione said, while putting the book down.

"It's great that you want to learn about quidditch, you know, I could take you flying one day?" Harry said, with an enthusiastic look on his face.

"Oh, I don't know Harry, I'm not a good flyer. And, well, I'm a bit scared of heights" Hermione said, she really wanted to go, but didn't want to get all scared in front of Harry, she didn't know why she cared about how she acted in front of him, it was like she wanted to be the best version of herself in front of him.

"Come on 'Mione, it will be fun, and I will keep hold of you the entire time, I promise I won't let anything happen to you" Harry said, scooting closer to Hermione, putting his arm around her shoulder, as he expected, she put her head on his shoulder and got comfortable, that seemed to be her favourite place at the moment.

"Alright Harry, that sounds like fun!" Hermione said with a smile, turning her head to look at Harry.

"Really? Okay! Sounds like a plan, I'll meet you at 8 tonight!" Harry said, while getting up to go and get ready. 

"Where are you going?" Hermione questioned.

"Hermione, it's nearly 8 am! I need to get ready for lessons!" Harry said, surprised Hermione didn't know that it was almost first lesson.

"Oh my god I'm gonna be late! I need to get ready! Oh no!" Hermione said, swiftly rising to her feet, but not forgetting to give Harry a kiss on the cheek before she left. Harry chuckled to himself.

"Had a good time?" Ginny spat at Hermione.

"What do you mean Ginny?" Hermione said, confused.

"You know exactly what I mean! You're spending time with Harry, time that I should be spending with him!" Ginny said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

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