chapter 1

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Yamada was finished his patrol. It was one in the afternoon and a Saturday so he decided he was going to get a head start on work he most definitely wasn't going to do before the meeting later on with the other staff. Problem was he had zero concentration and was still hyped up after his morning patrol; like always.

He got up and changed into something else more comfortable then headed downstairs to the common room of the teachers dormitory. Snipe was un-jamming his guns and Aizawa as napping, 'perfect'
taking the moment by the throat, he screeched at his second lowest volume using his quirk, leaving everyone in the vicinity crouching and covering their ears. Though he has repeatedly proved his quirk was powerful, they still underestimate it.
this caused a chain reaction of Snipe misfiring, the bullet hitting a bookshelf that fell directly onto Aizawa forcing him to slowly wake up and throw one of the books at him.

despite this all the attention was on Izuku who fell fourteen feet from the ceiling directly onto Yamada making him stop his screaming and starting himself into a coughing fit after being winded.

For some weird reason he would appear and disappear. Throughout the years there was rummers running about that he was a spy for Nezu or he was a ghost but neither were true he just didn't care.

He actually had no reason for his behaviors it was just what he did. The teachers tried to correct this .....but gave up as time went on.

Nezu actually found his behaviors interesting and funny (he messed with the students) so he accomadated to him by adding him to all of the registers, wither it be support chorse or gen ed; he was even in the hero chorse.

Turns out the third years have been seeing him since there first year too. It was kinda freaky.

He looks as though he hasn't aged since then he also hasn't left the school since then. Trust me people have tried to get him to leave but all haven't succeeded becide some teachers.

The reason for that is because of school trips where he is always around them when he can.

He protects them when there's trouble like emotional support for everyone including teachers.

Nobody knows his quirk so nobody dares to mess with his sleeping form incase it's some sideoffect.

People are scared of him; try and wake him up and there's a large chance yor going to recover girl .

He is powerful no doupt about that. As I say he appears everywhere which of course includes the hero course.

If your reading still you would know he has been here for a good 20 years as far as Hizashi is concerned and he is correct he has been in UA for a good 20-25 years, he doesn't really know.

Now let me tell you his personality, he infact doesn't speek, well he has never been heard speeking by anyone but he dose whisper which sounds creepy considering he gets up and close to do so but he is actually really adorable......if  you're on his good side.

He's really easily angered but dew to his very little movement he kinda dose his revenge very quietly.

So now your asking how dose he get everywhere without moving; that
nobody knows
┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

He sleeps alot and kept teachers company after hours because he never leaves.

After reviewing camera footage he turned out he lived in a shed behind the school.

Nezu never said anything to the other staff so it scared the living daylights out of them. 

There was this one group of students he personally favored which consisted of Shota Aizawa ,Nemuri Kagyama, Tensei Iida and his favorite Hizashi Yamada. Nobody knew his motives for that but nobody questioned him.

If you monitored his behaviors you would see just how chaotic he really was.

He also never aged so as everyone grew stronger and bigger he stayed the same, a short cute, quiet and little boy. I think that's enough info for now so on with the story.

He had just fell face first from the ceiling where he somehow climbed up to; nobody wanted to ask how.

After the loud crash a few more teachers came to find out what just happened, the teachers that came were: Cementoss, Vald King and Midnight.

She looked at the hole in the wall then deku (might I reminded you nobody knows his name or info) and Hizashi which had a book to the face and she laughed.

The others two just walked away after taking a glance at the scenery Snipe followed soon after.

Deku stayed still face keeping his body upright; almost like a cartoon in real life, that was the thing it was like he was inhuman.

Kagyama just walked up to him and picked him up by the legs and through him at Aizawa who just smiled and opened his yellow sleepingbag and let him join him; which he gladly complied; slowly crawling in sayings a small 'thank you' and dropping dead (fell asleep).

Yamada stood up and walked to Nemuri.
"So ..... We've came a long way from being students to teachers haven't we?"
"Yeah ...we have, funny right and he hasn't changed one bit,"

They both smiled at this and came to the conclusion to not question it as most people do.

They conversed for a while quietly as to not to wake the two friends up then Hizashi asked an important question.

"Hey, Nemuri what time is it?"

"Hu, let me just check ....oh shit quick grab the slug quick,!?!?!"

He just rushed, grabbed the sleeping bag not bothering to remember the second person in there, through them over his shoulder and ran, Kagyama not far in front.

The made it to the meeting five minutes late lucky for them they weren't the only late ones as all might wasn't there either.

They were both panting messes when they arrived at the meeting room because they both were running for there lives not wanting to die via Nezu.

Decided to not go along with what I was thinking. I was gonna write something entirely different. So here it is.Hope you like chapter 1
Pic at the top gives me snipe vibes.

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