💌𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 41

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"Was this all because of fate?"


{Day 4}

{Your POV}

"Hey guys, how do you feel about being in for a prize pool of money?" Dria suddenly asked us

All of our heads turned in unison, a little interested yet confused about her sudden suggestion.

"What do you mean by that?" Niki asked

"Well... You see..." Hiria cut in "We'd usually just do nothing while on vacation up until the final days... But since we want things to be more interesting... we think having a competition would be fun"

"Yeah! And, also. Don't worry... Money will provided by Hiria~" Dria snikered

"Haha... Yep. No need to worry..." Hiria murmured "And the amount we're talking about is about ten thousand..!~"

"Ten thousand?!?" Everyone exclaimed

Ten thousand dollars? Seriously? Why are they always so careless when it comes to spending money? I get that Hiria has that bank because of her day jobs, but this is a little absurd.

"A simple game of hide and seek. Me, Loveless and Hiria will be seeking first. You have to stay in this general area, the forest is allowed but you cannot go out past the cones we set up" Dria says

"Since when did you guys set up cones?" George asked

"Earlier this morning..." Loveless speaks up

"Anyway- who's in? And if you're not up to it, you can help us seek" Dria says

Only two people decided to not be in for the money and were helping Dria and the others with seeking. Dream and Philza were those people. In Dream's case, it was probably because he already has that ✨moolah✨....and for Philza? I'm not entirely sure. Maybe he's not much for hide and seek.
But everyone else was interested in winning the cash. 
...and I just wanted to play because I wanted a breather.

"Okay then! We'll give you one hundred seconds to hide before we come to find you! Get going now~" Hiria says

The rest of us than ran off into random directions, some people following each other while others go off alone. I decided to go into the forest and just hide out in a little remote place I found last year.

It was a nice little dirt tunnel that had similar appearance to an igloo. It was covered in grass and occasionally moss, it had a few vines that covered it's entrance too, so not many people would notice it at first glance.

Once I got to the place, I crawled into the entrance and just sat in there.
For some reason, there was never insects here. Even now when I enter here, there's no spiders or ants. Even though this is the perfect place for insects to be... or any animals for that matter...

"Okay... where's my phone?" I muttered to myself

I knew I was going to be in here for a while, mainly because I've never really shown this area to anyone. Hiria probably knows about this place, but other than that... I don't think anyone would go to look here...

After getting my phone out, I decided to go onto twitch and watch whoever's streaming at the time. Fundy was live, so I clicked on his profile and watch his stream with some earbuds I brought. He was on the Dream SMP with a few of the other members, though he was not in a call with anyone in that moment. As I rested the phone onto my knees, I decided to make a little twitch donation to him out of boredom.

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