5th Chapter

358 9 1

Stella Snow

I was so happy when I found out that Dane will be returning from the training camp this Friday that I almost forgot that my birthday is also on that day.

My birthday is never really special since I didn't usually have anyone to celebrate with, my friends celebrate it with me in school but it's not big since we were in school and I'm not allowed to go anywhere after school to hang out with my friends. That was the condition set to me by Alpha Valerie, everyday, all I can do is wake up, do my chores and be a good slave, go to school for a couple of hours then return to the pack house to be a slave once again. That's why I like going to school so much, that's the only place that I feel somewhat of a normal person.

Despite everything, I was able to spend a few years of my birthday doing something special when I was young, Dane celebrated it with me. We had a secret place in the woods, I used to use it as a hiding place when I was running from being punished by Alpha Valerie. That was our usual meeting place and Dane used to bring me a simple gift and a cupcake and I would be so ecstatic on that day.

Unfortunately, on my thirteenth birthday, I was locked up in the underground dungeon of the pack house, let's just say that I did something bad and the Alpha wasn't amused so she had me locked up in that dark and dingy place for two weeks. Dane slipped past the guards to visit me and celebrate my birthday, she sat right next to my cell and greeted me with a sad smile, she told me that she was sorry because she couldn't convince her mom to let me out of there. I told her that it was alright and I could handle it. We were having a great time and I was eating the red velvet cupcake that she gave me when all of a sudden, Alpha Valerie walked in the dungeon. She was seething mad when she saw Dane with me. She looked at me like she wanted to kill me, she screamed at Dane to go upstairs while she threatened my life and the rest is history.

That was the last time that I had a really "happy" birthday. It was a simple celebration but it meant so much to me.

This year, I don't need any presents, as long as I can have a short glimpse of our future Alpha I would be very happy on my eighteenth birthday.

That's right, I'm turning eighteen tomorrow. Luckily, unlike some orphans who don't know their real birth date, I know mine, it's the thirtieth of November. One of the people that I can tolerate in this pack is the kind pack doctor, Dr. Joan, she's a sweet old lady and she has never treated me badly and has taken care of me since I was a child. I sometimes go to the clinic just to visit her but most of the time, I go there because I need to, for all the bruises, scrapes and gashes that I receive from bullying.

Dr. Joan told me that when I was left on the doorstep, I was still slimy, bloody and the umbilical cord was still attached. So, I imagine that right after my birth mom popped me right out of her v-gina, they immediately decided to abandon me. I don't really hold any resentment towards my birth parents. I'd like to think that they have some important reason for leaving me and not just because they didn't want me or something horrible like that.

I'm feeling a little nervous for tomorrow because eighteen is the age where I should be able to find my mate. However, I am not a normal werewolf, I haven't even shifted so there's a high chance that I won't find my mate since it seems like I don't have a wolf in me. Maybe, the Moon Goddess intended not to give me one... Maybe I'm cursed to be unlucky for the rest of my existence.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I so different? Am I really a werewolf? Why haven't I shifted yet, then? Will I even get a mate if I don't have my inner wolf yet?

I'm full of questions that nobody can answer.

Many times I've already tried speaking to my wolf but there's no one there and I just end up talking to myself like a crazy person.

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