4th Chapter

378 6 1

Dane Blackwood

Uh... I groaned when I was woken up by the incessant ringing of my phone alarm. I slept late last night, I kept tossing and turning in my bed.

When I was finally able to get some few hours of sleep. I'm woken up by my five-thirty a.m. alarm. A brand new day of long and torturous training, I can't wait for this Alpha extensive training camp to be over. True to it's name, this training camp is hardcore.

I have never been pushed this hard with any of the other training camps that I have previously been to. This hellish campus organized by the Greyhound wolf pack, they invite a chosen few of next in line Alphas from different packs all over the country. The purpose of the training camp is for future Alphas to meet and train together to get to know each other for the betterment of the werewolf community by helping one another and prevent future conflict between packs.

I sit up on the bed and stretch my sore back muscles, I am only wearing a loose tee shirt and underwear. After stretching and cracking my knuckles, I stood up from the bed then tied my long blonde hair in a messy bun.

The door suddenly opened and my future Beta or second in command, Simon walked in the room. "Yo Dane, you awake yet?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"No, I'm still sleeping and how many times have I told you, Simon? Knock before you enter a room, it's just basic manners, learn it please." I walked to the dresser to pick out my clothes.

"K. Whatever. Hurry up, I'm hungry." Simon says as he sits down on the unmade bed.

"Why are you bothering me, where's Will? Go bother him instead. And, if you really want me to hurry up, get the hell out so I can change." Will is my future Gama or the third in command in my pack. The camp allows us to bring both our Beta and Gamma so they can train alongside us.

"As usual, William is still asleep. I already tried waking that b-stard but he wouldn't budge. I got bored while waiting for him to wake up so I came here instead. What's the big deal anyways, I have already seen you naked a lot of times." Simon shrugged nonchalantly.

Despite how it sounded, he didn't mean it in a dirty way, it wasn't uncommon for werewolves to see each other naked because when we shift back to our human forms, naturally, we are naked because we either destroy our clothes from shifting as our wolf or for a more practical approach we strip off our clothes before shifting to avoid ruining our clothes.

I open the door and signal for him to get out. "It's still awkward, we're like siblings and it's weird when we're not from shifting so get the hell out. I'll be done in a minute so wait for me outside." I muttered.

"K, Alpha." When he finally went out, I stripped down and wore my matching gray joggers and sports bra. I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Our daily schedule for this training camp is;

6am to 7:30am -Breakfast

7:30am to 11am -Strength training/ Gym training

11am to 1pm -Lunch and Break time

1pm to 5pm -Hand to hand and Wolf combat

5pm to 7pm -Dinner

Everyday is just training, fighting and weight lifting. Sometimes, I do wish that I was a normal she-wolf, having no pressure of being the next Alpha and I wouldn't have to train so much hours in a day but ever since I was young, my mother instilled in my mind to always train hard and push myself to be the perfect Alpha that she wants me to become. I love my parents, granted that I like my dad more than my mom but I love them both all the same so I want them to be proud of my accomplishments so I have always done my best but sometimes, I feel like it will never be enough for my mom.

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