weird 2

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Sundays god do I hate them, I always hagve to work on them and the club gets a bit out of hand every damn Sunday.

groaning I rolled on my on my left side to turn off the alarm and to my luck I rolled off the bed.

the days already starting great I sarcastically taught as I tried my best to open my eyes as the bright light entered from the window above my night stand

two seconds passed and the alarm became unbelievably annoying I grabbed it and threw it across from me onto the wall

with a loud band the glass around it shattered and with a loud thud it fell and silence consumed me

oh so sweet silence I taught all whiles still lying on the floor getting comfortable again and as I close my eyes about to get away from harsh reality back to dream land

*bang* * bang* * bang*

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate life" i reopened my eyes stood up rubbed my butt from where I fell earlier and started walking towards the front door

I was way to sleepy to check the peephole so I just flinged the door open "WHAT"

the little boy stood on the other side of the door with wide eyes and a frown and if I was a horrible person I would have told him off but he's just a kid and i love children

"Good morning miss, can I talk to my daddy please" the little blue eye blond hair child asked he was so cute and his voice was angelic

"I'm sorry sweetie and who might your daddy be and how can I help" giving the best smile I could probably ever give and keeled down to be at his height

he looked to the floor a frown plastered on his lips and it looked as if he was thinking really hard on what to respond to what I said it took him about a good five minutes to look me in my eyes and when he did he finally got the courage his little pink lips parted and closed instantly and he looked so lost and cute and like he would start crying any second and I do not know how to comfort children or adults or anybody as a matter of fact "hey pumpkin can you tell me who you daddy is so I can help you find him" he smiled and nodded, I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding and mirrored his smile

"my daddy is the man that lives here" okay hold up a second what the f- hell, shit I forgot I can't cuss infront of a child even if it's in my head.

he thinks his dad lives here like what the hell his dad can't live here I'm the only person that lives in the shithole and been living in it for four years I can afford better but I'd rather save it and use it for something better so I'm stuck in a one bedroom apartment that's really small but I don't mind the size because I live alone there's a big water stain in the kitchen by the fridge because it leakes water like the Niagara falls that is only a single painting that's in the whole apartment and it's hung by the door and it's an image of a naked man, I know my humor is amazing and there isn't any man at my place at the moment so I have no idea why he thinks his dad lives here.

the same time the annoying ass that lives next door wakes up the way how I know this is because from the time he wakes to the time his sleeps he blasts music like dude it's 7 in the god damn morning and im trying to help a lost child.

I rolled my eyes sighed smile to the little angle infront of me "I'll be right back to help you I just need the music to stop okay sweetie"

he smiles "okay, can I help with the music?" could this child be any sweeter he just met me is probably around 6 and wants to help with the noise wow kids these days are amazing

*knock* *knock* *knock * *knock* *knock* *knock*

the door opens up and the ass appears his signature smirk on his face oh how I would love to slap it off with a hammer but I can't do that infront of a child "chill barbie, what can I do for you" he says trying to act all sexy leaning again the door

I rolled my eyes "good morning to you too and can you keep it down I'm trying to figure something out and I can't do that with the annoying music" I stated trying to keep my cool

"Good morning darling and what is it that u have to figure out? is it what your going to wear today on that amazing body of yours or are you trying to figure out how to tell me I'm sex-"

" hi daddy" the little boy said coming from behind me wtf " the miss here helped me find you, I taught u lived over there" he said pointing to my apartment my eyes are wide and mouths open is shock Chad AKA the annoy ass neighbour mirrored my reactions

"hey buddy I didn't know you were coming your mom didn't call me" Chad keeled down to the child and hugged him and smiled awkwardly at me he pulled back from the hug with the child still standing next to him and turned to me "thank you, I didn't know he was coming"

"your welcome" I'm still in shock and don't know what to do "I didn't know you had a child"

"well we aren't exactly friends, remember you said didn't want that" I nodded " it was just a o-n-e n-i-g-h-t s-t-a-n-d" he spelled out so his child couldn't understand "it was just s-e-x"

"I understand that but I've never seen him around"

"because he's mostly with his mom" he smiled and look at the child with love


"yeah" he turned to me and sigh "I'm sorry you had to deal with him"

"no don't apologise it's fine and he's an amazing kid"

"hey buddy meet maze she's daddys neighbour" the blue eye little one turned to me tilted his head and studied me "Maze this is Adrian" Chad said

"hi Adrian it's nice to meet you" I keeled and extend my arm to shake his

"it's nice to meet you too"he smiled and place his tiny soft hands in mine

"if I'm home you can come over when ever your around alright little man" I said smiling and got up "and I'll buy you and the candy you can think of "

"I like you" he said and his dad shakes his head and chuckles I say good bye to them and returned home

who would've taught that my annoy neighbour who is a pain in the ass has a kid

this day has just begun and it already weird

Mrs.Mafia Giovanni Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя