Josh stopped for just a moment outside of the interrogation room. He looked into the two way glass at the solemn looking man on the other side sitting in the chair inside the room. Josh had to physically make himself calm down as he took a shaky breath and tightened his fists.

Zay walked up beside Josh and stood there. Josh grabbed his gun and handed it to Zay to take. Zay grabbed it without a word, and Josh moved to the door and made his way inside. Zay took a deep breath as he placed Josh's gun in the waistband of his jeans on the opposite side of where his was. He stared on as what would most likely end up in a very ugly altercation.

David looked up at the door as he heard it open. He raised an eyebrow as Josh stared him down before going over and taking a seat on the opposite end of the table.

"Let me guess," David started. "You're in here to tell me all about how I lost and you found all the bombs with the anthrax. How I'm going to jail for the rest of my miserable life and how if it were up to you, you'd put me in the death chair." He announced, almost mockingly with a smirk on his face.

Josh didn't respond. He just kept staring at him with a blank expression on his face. He sat back in his chair with a closed fist on the table.

"Oh I know. You're here to get revenge over that agent or yours." His tone suddenly wasn't so mocking anymore, nor did he have a smirk on his face. "You're angry because I beat the hell out of her. Made her feel like the worthless piece of trash she is."

Josh did not seem to find this conversation in the least bit interesting. He kept his face neutral, with a blank expression as he continued to stare on as David talked. This shocked Zay, as he was ready to go in at any moment to pull Josh off of David.

"You people think you're so clever. Putting someone like her in my life to deceive me. Hoping that I would fall so in love with her that I would tell her everything in my devious plan. She deserved what she got. My only regret was not killing her when I had the chance." David spat out bitterly.

Silence greeted them as they both stared each other down. David had a look of pure hate on his face. Josh stared at him with his unblinking expression before he finally leaned up in his chair. He rested his elbows on the table and leaned closer towards David. Never breaking eye contact.

"I'm going to be there at every single one of your appeals. I will make sure that if you don't get the death penalty, you'll never see the light of day again. And this just isn't for Maya, this is for Carry, and my team as well. You lost today because you were out smarted by one of your own men. And you took the cowards way out in killing him and your nephew." Josh stated.

His tone was barely above a whisper, but so tense and stern that he got his point across just fine. The corners of David's mouth almost came up into an amused smile.

"I thought you people weren't supposed to take these kinds of cases personally." David said, again mockingly.

"Agent Hunter is on my team. That made it personal for me. Agent Carrie Martinez was on her team before that and you killed her. Which made it personal for Agent Hunter." Josh listed off.

"Cry me a river." David said bitterly. Josh just continued to stare at him with a blank expression. "You know, it really is a shame. Agent Hunter truly was a beauty. You don't know how much I loved being with her when it counted. The way she smelt, the way she felt, the way she tastes..."

Zay sucked in a breath as he placed his hand on the doorknob of the interrogation room. He fully expected for Josh to lunge at him right there. But to his surprise, and slightly to David's. Josh didn't do anything. Instead he shook his head at the man in front of him.

"I'm not stupid." Josh said. "I know exactly what you're doing. You want me to get mad so that I'll punch you and you can proclaim police brutality and cut a deal with the DA. Sue the FBI and then cost me my job at the same time. But I'm not playing your games."

"Oh is that right." David said.

"I don't pretend to act like I don't want to put your head through one of these walls and beat your ass into the ground. Not only did you try to kill one of my agents and then put a hit out for my team, you tried to take out half the city starting with a hospital." Josh growled.

"A hospital, huh?" David asked. "Simon sure out did himself then." He stated with a smirk.

"Indeed." Josh spat out. "But don't misunderstand me. I'm sure Agent Hunter is going to want to see you after she gets done doing what she's doing at the moment." Josh decided not to tell him she was currently in the hospital in surgery. He wouldn't give him that satisfaction. "And she's going to want to testify against you in court. And I'll be watching you closely. Because if I even seen you look at her in a certain way, I'm not against taking a gun to you and proclaiming self defense."

"Is that a threat, Agent Matthews?" David asked in mock surprise, with a smirk on his face. Josh's gaze was stern.

"No. That's a promise."

Josh got up from his chair and walked out the door. Zay tried to act calm on the other end, as if he hadn't been anxiously waiting for a moment to step in. Josh held out his hand and Zay gave him his gun. Without even a word, Josh holstered it and started out into the main hall of headquarters.

Zay calmed himself down for a moment before he heard a loud bang in the hallway and a female sheik. Zay ran out only to see one of the receptionists holding a hand to her chest as she watched Josh continue to walk away.

Zay looked over and his breath hitched. In the wall was a good size hole from where Josh's fist had just been...

Thanks for reading, lovelies! Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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