Who Knew

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What started as a tragedy turned out to be the best thing that happened in the lives of our two rivals. Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow are two sixteen-year-olds who have a lot in common, however, since kindergarten, these two cannot stand each other.

If asked, none of them knows how to answer what happened so that they feel this anger towards each other, but the truth is that whenever they are together in a space, things go wrong, which makes their classes very complicated, since both are from the same class.

It was a Wednesday and classes were really ending. As soon as the bell gave the last touch that was the end of classes, all the students packed up and left the school. The weather outside was miserable, due to a storm that had formed the night before and the weather forecasts said that the weather for the next two or three days would continue to be rainy and windy.


Before leaving school, I still went to my locker to pick up some things that I needed to take home, due to some homework I had to do to deliver the next day. Twenty minutes later, I was leaving school, when I realized that I had forgotten my coat, that it had been hanging on the classroom chair and so I went back. However, as soon as I put my hand on the door handle, I saw that the door was locked, so I went to look for the employee who used to be at the end of the corridor, so that she would open the door for me.

However, as soon as I arrived at the place where the employee usually is, I didn't see her, so I went to look in the other halls of the school for an employee who could open the door of the room for me to pick up my coat. However, as soon as I arrived at the school bar, I heard the sounds of the storm, which meant that the storm was coming and there wouldn't be plenty of time to go home without the rain, so I tried to hurry up in my search for an employee.

- How is it possible that in this school there is not an employee in sight ?!

- Now you talk to yourself, huh? Finally you embraced your true facet, that of crazy, - said Barry behind me.

- It's nothing like that, idiot. I was just looking for an employee.

- I don't think you're going to find someone, the school looks deserted.

- Well, if so, I'm going to leave.- I said walking away from him and headed for the main door of the school.

However as soon as I got there and tried to open it, I saw that it was closed, this is locked. I tried to open it a few more times, but it wouldn't open. Did I get locked in here ?! It can't be, there must be some employee around here or some emergency exit, that I can use.

For the next ten minutes, I just walked around the school looking for someone or a door that I could use to leave, however I didn't find anyone or anything that would help me. Out of ideas, I decided to sit on one of the bar chairs and hoped for a miracle to happen, however the only thing that happened was seeing Barry again.

"You weren't able to leave either, were you?" He asked, sitting down at another table.

- No, I tried several doors but everything is locked.

- Maybe they wanted to leave quickly due to the storm. I saw in the weather that tonight and tomorrow would be the worst.

- Does that mean we ...

- We're stuck in high school.

- Good! Being stuck in a school is already quite depressing, but being stuck with you raises the bar of depression.

- The school is still big, we don't have to meet. There's plenty of room for the two of us, "said Barry, standing up." You know if you need me, you just need to scream.

Although I don't like the idea of ​​being stuck at all, even if it's just for one night with Barry, but the truth is that the idea of ​​spending the rest of the day alone, makes me a little sad. My luck was that my parents were on a business trip and just arrived Central City for next week.

- I know I said we didn't need to see each other, but I just wanted to come get something to snack on. - Barry said when suddenly his cell phone started ringing. - Balls is my mom ... Hello mom, not yet I'm not leaving, you know I ...

- Hello Mrs. Allen, this is Caitlin. Yes, everything is fine and with you? ... Great! I am really glad that you called your son, because I was going to ask Barry to call you to let you know that at the end of classes he was going to my house, because we have an important papper to deliver tomorrow. Yes, don't worry, he'll be sleeping at my house ... Yes, of course he will ... I tell him. Thank you, Nora. Another one for you, "I said, hanging up the call.

- What was that? And why did you take my phone out of my hands like that?

- Can you calm down? I just told your mother that you were going to be at my house today and that you would sleep there, because we have a very important papper to do.

"And why did you do that?" Asked Barry, surprised.

- Because even though I don't like you at all, your mother doesn't need to be worried.

- But won't your parents deny what you just said to my mother?

- No, because they are not here. They're on a business trip, so I'm home alone.

- And my mother was not suspicious that we were both together? I say this, because she and the whole city knows that we hate each other.

- I think she was more happier than suspicious.

- In that case, thank you Caitlin.- Barry said smiling and I knew that at this moment his thanks were sincere.

- You're welcome. In fact I have a proposal to make you ... It is obvious that we will see each other quite often, since we both have needs, that is, hunger. What do you think we give truce? Only while we are closed ... Then we were able to hate each other again with all our strength. - I asked him extending my hand.

"I think it's a great idea," said Barry, extending his hand.

Now that we had finally agreed to stop arguing, we took advantage of this time to talk and get to know each other better and the truth is that he and I have quite a lot in common, who knew ?! It was half past eight when we "robbed" the cafeteria and saw that although there was no food left in the fridge that was left, there were some ingredients in the kitchen, so we went to work and were cooking our dinner.

After dinner and as we were tired of always being in the same place, we decided to go for a walk around the school to see which doors were open and we noticed that the school auditorium, where the theater club met and rehearsed their plays it was open, so we went in and went to the backstage and noticed that there were those rugs that people use to do gymnastics and there were also some pillows.

- I found this radio back there. We can follow the news about the storm outside, "said Barry, turning on the radio.

It was midnight and a quarter when we both fell asleep, after having spent hours playing some children's games, like the truth or consequence, the game of twenty questions and the like. In the morning I woke up to the sound of the radio and as soon as I got up, full of back pain, I noticed that Barry was also awake.

- I don't have good news. The storm is worse and with each hour that passes, it gets a little worse. The experts are advising people to stay at home and I have already received an email from the principal saying that classes are canceled for today.

- That means we'll have to stay here today too.

- I'm afraid so.

- Do you think it would be better to notify the director? Just so she wouldn't come here on Friday and think they were robbing the school.

- You're stupid, we're not going to do any of that. She still warns our parents and then it will be chaos.

- Yeah, maybe you're right. In addition, the bar and cafeteria staff will not even remember what was there.

Maybe Barry was right and telling the school principal would just make things worse and make our parents nervous. 

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